MMA News

If you’re reading this, you like to buy stuff

MMA fans also represent 15 percent of all adults planning to buy a new pickup truck for their household during the next year (ugh, damn) and are 85 percent more likely than the average adult to plan such a purchase within the next year. We are also more likely to have cool gadgets like HDTVs,

Sarah Ponce may have just signed with Strikeforce…and she’s hot

So it looks like Sarah Ponce may have just been signed by Strikeforce while you were stuffing your face with leftover turkey sandwiches and bricks of stuffing. Here’s a set of unsolicited digital cliff-notes to get you up to date on the rawesomeness that is Sarah Ponce. She started her career in kick boxing racking

Watch Rampage Jackson’s fight scene in Death Warrior

Death Warrior comes out December 1st on on Blue Ray and DVD and if you’re really handy with the mixed martial arts, you can win a role in their next film. By now you already know that Rampage Jackson is done with UFC. Dude is finished and would much rather fake getting hit in the

Playboy Playmate, LaTasha Marzolla, fights TONIGHT!

I think the way forward in this new millennium is to have Playboy playmates fight. This is the future I want to be a part of. Well this and a hoverboard. Some of you may remember LaTasha Marzolla from those long nights trapped inside your apartment armed with a stack of Playboys under your bed.

Mariusz has a music video to go with his gargantuan arms

The World’s Strongest Man competition is the only place where it’s socially acceptable to move a car with your arms that you don’t own. I don’t think that would fly anywhere else unless you’ve exposed to gamma radiation, in which case…it’s cool. The only cars I’ve moved with my arms were a handful of micro

Frank Mir wants to stand with Cheick Kongo

You probably already know that Cheick Kongo’s fists could rearrange the universe at will. That’s a scientific fact. Physicists in some university you’ve never heard of spent your tax dollars coming to that conclusion. Someone should have just told them to look at the dude’s career for evidence. Out of his five losses, four of

List of Black Friday MMA Specials

If you’re not from the US, you may think ‘Black Friday’ is some pre-apocalyptic event where fire hydrants explode with molten lava and birds transform into dynamite and explode in the sky. If you’re working behind a cash register this Friday, that may actually be true. Black Friday is the day when all soccer moms

Junie Browning’s answering machine can beat up your answering machine

Even Junie Browning’s answering machine hates you. If you happen to run into Junie Browning and get his phone number, you will be greeted to an array of offensive messages that are wildly entertaining. Almost like watching Artie Lange self-destruct on the Howard Stern show…but with more nurses injured. ProMMA called Junie in an attempt

Gabriel Gonzaga is out of UFC 108 with a nasty staph infection

Remember that one time when the entire UFC heavyweight division was either dying, staph infected or in physical rehabilitation? Then everyone was like…’dude, at least we have Gabriel Gonzaga’. He was our final hope, the chosen one. Yeah, well dude is now out of UFC 108 with a nasty staph infection. Luckily we still have

GSP vs. Dan Hardy slated for March at UFC 111 in New Jersey

Performance MMA should open up a French-Canadian shop and call it Per-for-mance MMA. Every order received, they should send a reply email with ‘Good job, but we are not impressed with your purchase’. If you’re following us on Twitter, then you’ve probably already read that which makes this article somewhat douchey. If you’re not following

Erin Toughill verbally KOs Kim Couture

For those of you who haven’t read our interview with Toughill, if you click on this little blue link, you will take a voyage through time and space an eventually arrive at Erin Toughill’s doorstep. She may size you up at first, but just congratulate her on her recent wedding and she’ll probably let you

Wanderlei Silva vs. Michael Bisping going down at UFC 110

Orcs around Middle Earth finally have a reason to celebrate again. After taking over Pensacola a few months ago, Wanderlei Silva is just one step closer to his pursuit of a full-scale planetary conquest when he will meet Michael Bisping at UFC 110. This will be Wandy’s first bout since his facial reconstructive surgery in

Keith Jardine hates your nuts…pistachio nuts

The day Keith Jardine goes on Dancing with the Stars is the day the terrorists have won. The world doesn’t need that. What the world needs is a new way to open up a pistachio. Screw world peace, let Voltron handle that. Somebody needs to reinvent opening a shell on a nut. That’s the future.

A discount store wants to buy DREAM, and it looks like it may happen

A lot of you may have slept on the dramady that’s been going down in Japan with Sengoku and Dream. Last week I tried to shine a little light on the situation but the article was ill-placed and no one really read it. Note to self: Never publish non-UFC related stories on a UFC fight

Big Nog talks about the day he got ran over by a truck

The only prerequisite of being named after a mythical creature that rocks a battle axe, the former Pride heavyweight champion and one of the hardest dude’s on the planet is that you must get run over by a truck at the age of eleven. Any later and the whole plan just falls apart. Big Nog

It’s UFC…but with chickens you can eat

Since the end result of Thanksgiving is almost upon your arteries, we thought we would throw the next best thing at you besides a slow-roasted turkey: Korean BBQ chicken. A new restaurant has opened in New York called ‘UFC’. It stands for ‘Unidentified Flying Chickens’ but try telling that to Dana White. You can check