MMA News

According to Wikipedia, Mike Goldberg is an American Tool

Look at that, last night some troll got on Wikipedia and changed Mike Goldberg’s description of ‘American Play By Play Announcer’ to the much more easier to read, ‘American tool’. Damn that guy and his incredible sense of Wikipedia humor. We’re assuming it’s the same guy that vandalized Josh Barnett’s page after Affliction Trilogy and

Roy Nelson just made Brendan Schaub’s head explode

Everybody get those KFC two-for-one coupons and barrels of Sam’s Club mayonaise out so we can celebrate Roy Nelson winning The Ultimate Fighter Season 10. Big Country just proves that if you judge a book by it’s cover, that book will catch you with a right hook behind the ear and make you cross-eyed. Nelson’s

Jon Jones is too raw for MMA…dude was disqualified

The minute Jon Jones pulled that crazy underhook-backflip of Stephan Bonnar at UFC 94 everyone knew why people called him ‘Bones’. Actually, no one knows why they call him bones. I have a friend named Jon Jones and we call him bones…but there never really was an explanation. I guess we were just sort of

Kimbo Slice now has the same record as Brock Lesnar

I was eating a Mexican microwavable dinner today and it sucked so bad that it physically made me angry. I mean to the point where I just wanted to throw the entire plate down on the ground and walk away in disgust. I never had an enchilada piss me off that much. Kimbo Slice must

Meathead slams his fist into Big Baby’s head…bad stuff happened

Meathead just sent a friendly notification to the entire UFC heavyweight division. I’m not sure what it said but it mentioned something about his brain not being injured in the TUF show’. Matt Mitrione just knocked out Big Baby in spectacular fashion, now he’s ready to challenge everyone on facebook for a fight.  Big Baby

And the beef with MFC and Yahoo! Sports begins…

It’s always fun when presidents of MMA organizations start calling out MMA journalists (but not as fun as calling into MMAscrapsradio drunk). Dana White definitely set the bar when he raged on Loretta Hunt of Sherdog earlier this year. He also earned an Xbox live achievement for the most creative use of the ‘F’ word

Jon Jones is a NARC, bummer

If you ever find yourself lighting a nicely rolled doobie on the streets of Denver, Colorado (only because it’s legal there) and you see Jon Jones in the distance (spinning back-elbowing a mailbox or something), be sure to walk the other way. If Jon ‘Bones’ Jones catches you with herb, dude will snitch on you.

Did Spike TV just turn into FOX News?

Sometimes I sit back and arrive at the conclusion that the entire middle east just needs to let some things go. I was watching FOX News today and aside a big pool of blood is a pan of french fries being cooked over the grill. I don’t know if those fries were for the former

Marcus Jones ditches ‘The Darkness’, dude is officially ‘Big Baby’

Looking at Marcus Jones is witnessing a tri-blend of man, raw emotion and absolute unorthodox purple-belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu. He’s the only guy that could KO you in the first round, stand over your carcass and then have a complete nervous breakdown and cry about it (well, the second guy). Marcus Jones self-appointed himself as the

Become a citizen of Big Country

For someone with a 12-4 record heading into The Ultimate Fighter 10 finale this Saturday, Roy “Big Country” Nelson seems to be getting the impression that he is the Rodney Dangerfield of MMA. I almost made a joke about him ‘rolling his way into the finals’ but…I didn’t. The former IFL champ didn’t get much

Watch the TUF 10 Weigh-ins LIVE 7pm ET/4pm PT

All those nights of ditching your girlfriend to watch 16 dudes roll around in a cage is over. Tomorrow we finally get to see Kimbo inside of an octagon, Roy Nelson rub his belly in front of a nationwide audience and Rampage Jackson in Big Baby’s corner. The TUF 10 finale comes on tomorrow but

Welcome to the Ubereem Cooking Show

Ubereem rejects your nutritional supplement reality and replaces it with steaks of horse meat. Well, multiple steaks of horse meat. Ubereem ‘shocks’ the world by telling some overly nosy Dutch reporter that he eats seven meals a day and it mostly consists of horse meat and ‘his mother’s cooking‘. His mother must have been the

Rampage is BACK in the UFC

Come on, you can’t sit there in your hand-me down computer chair and pretend like you’re shocked by the news that Rampage Jackson decided to come back to the UFC. Dude was embarrassed that his team got blown out inThe Ultimate Fighter 10, decided to make a movie in he meantime and now that the

Din Thomas wants to send Mayorga to a Nicaraguan fruit stand

Raise your hand if you’ve ran an unsanctioned underground fight club entirely in your gym in Palm Springs, Florida. If your name isn’t Din Thomas then you should slap yourself in the face and give me everything in your kitchen (including that six-pack you bought for this weekend). Din Thomas is the friggin man. I