Please Copy Our Content (It’s Okay, We Promise)

MMA Content Syndication

Content Syndication Policy For MiddleEasy

MMA media, and in particular we here at MiddleEasy are constantly growing and evolving. As a result, there is one big elephant in the room, which needs addressing.

As the media landscape continues to change, MiddleEasy has been working very hard to put out original content. Although the way the MMA news cycle works involves a lot of repeating the same things, everybody is looking to find their own tone and approach. For us, this comes in the form of a ton of new and exciting ideas.

With that, comes others looking to copy content they see on MiddleEasy, and use it for their own means. To that, we say go ahead! In fact, we encourage you to do so.

If you see some news on our page, and want to put it on your site, your podcast, anything you please, feel free to do so. You can do it free of charge, you do not even need to ask! We just have a few requests to make…

Our only request is that you

credit where you originally found the news. Let people know what website has the article, what writer worked hard to make the content, and it is yours to use.

This is the only thing that is being asked of you.

Hey Google! Let every one copy our content: FREE MMA News & Other Content 

In today’s media landscape, there is a bit of a trigger-happy approach to crying “theif!” However, we here at MiddleEasy do not look at things in that light. Moreover, if you are interested in doing bigger projects, or a cooperative news piece with us, please reach out to us.

MiddleEasy Syndicated Content / Feed / RSS

We are all in this together, and would be pleased to work with you!