MMA News

Mickey Rourke is in love with Frank Shamrock

The Wrestler is one of those films I tell people I haven’t seen to prevent ‘Do you remember that part when…’ conversations. Everyone has that friend, that guy that loves to share his favorite part of a movie and recreate the entire scene in the middle of your living room regardless of whether you’re trying

Gilbert Melendez knows how to party

Before a fight, Fedor likes to get beat with a tree branch by half-naked men. That’s his thing man, you can’t take it away from him (nor do you want to). Beatings from half-naked men armed with improvised twigs is the new black. Everyone is doing it…except me. Gilbert Melendez chooses to lounge on a

Lil Nog wants a rematch with Shogun Rua

Nothing says Christmas like a little ‘nog in your glass. Actually, nothing says Christmas like my drunk Uncle yelling at his neighbors because he thinks they’re trying to steal his 1983 Ford Bronco. Back in Pride, Lil Nog competed in perhaps the greatest MMA tournament in the history of MMA tournaments: Pride Grand Prix 2005.

War Machine’s final statement about his porn brawl fest

War Machine 1, Porn Industry 0. Dude is wanted by the cops and before he gets bagged, he wants to let the world know exactly how he feels about the porn industry ‘targeting him all the time’. Thank God for invasive social media. Really sick of everyone targeting me all the time. All I ever

Screw your MMA, get ready for San-Do!

Pretty soon, guys with futuristic Affliction shirts and tribal tattoos will urinate on your mint condition collection of Pride FC tapes while you crouch in the corner like an infantile retard chanting ‘Pride never die’. Well it did die, dammit…and San-Do is still wiping the blood of its hands. San-Do is the self-proclaimed ‘hottest ticket

Cesar Gracie says Nick Diaz is the ‘Rosa Parks’ of MMA

Only in MMA can you have a fighter be compared to one of the greatest civil rights pioneer in modern history. What hasn’t been said about Nick Diaz that hasn’t already been said about Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke? Nick Diaz openly admits that he smokes weed and that fact alone should automatically place

GSP is up for Canadian Athlete of the year…again

Whatever is thumping through your Ipod would immediately be injured by GSP’s riddum. After his UFC 100 bout against Thiago Alves, George St. Pierre said he drank so much he forgot his whole name. For a Canadian, that’s a lot of alcohol. For a normal human being, that’s enough liquor to make you time travel.

War Machine was in ‘KILL MODE’ at a porn party

When we interviewed War Machine, we asked him if he had to pick between being a vampire or a werewolf which one would he choose. He told us vampires are the best and he’s always wanted to be one. Maybe we should have asked him what type of vampire…the Blade type that rocks a a

Cheick Kongo doesn’t think Frank Mir is a ‘pretty person’

Cheick Kongo is going to show Frank Mir ‘the way to be positive and respectful’. I know this because Cheick Kongo knows this. Cheick Kongo is the reason North Korea will never launch a nuke at other country. Some dudes have cool nicknames like ‘The Spider’ and ‘The Natural’, Kongo goes by Unstoppable (seriously, he

Fathead offers only one MMA fighter…oh the irony

If you live in North America you can’t throw a rock without hitting a Fathead commercial on a Sunday afternoon. If you’re not familiar with the company, just think huge life-sized decals of men in tights that you can stick on your wall. It’s widely popular with Mets fans…you know, guys in tights. So popular

Why you should build a shrine to Bobby Green

On January 24th 2009 the world was introduced to a guy from Riverside Submission Camacho MMA team that had an impressive record of 7-1 (with all eight fights occurring in 2008). On two weeks notice he made his PPV debut on one the biggest cards of 2009: ‘Affliction: Day of Reckoning” (RIP). While you were

No more Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort at UFC 109

It’s been a long time coming like an 80 year old porn star. Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort has been canceled, revived, canceled, rescheduled and as of last night…canceled for UFC 109. If you want a brief update on the Silva vs. Belfort saga, click here otherwise continue to eat your roommate’s leftover Chinese food.

Apparently Joe Rogan is a potheaded dwarf

That guy who never looks at the camera but had the audacity to proclaim Fedor has ‘a dwarf inbreed skull‘ is back and now he’s calling out the ‘blatantly obvious’ potential of Joe Rogan’s dwarfism. Actually, potheaded dwarfism to be exact. We don’t want to get anything skewed, just the facts. If this guy spits

Dana White prepared to pit Lesnar vs. Fedor for free

A couple weeks ago Jerry Millen from M-1 Global said that if Dana White really wanted to assemble some Fedor vs. Lesnar action, Brock could just get a ticket to Russia and met up with The Last Emperor in his gym, after school style. Of course this was just before Lesnar’s intestines were leaking into