
We’ve found the Nick Newell of skateboarding

Remember in the late 90’s early 2000’s when skateboarding was literally the coolest thing ever? This coincided with spelling everything with a X, much like Mortal Kombat spelling things with a k but much more XTREME! What caused this uprise in xtreme skateboarding? Well, you can clearly point to one thing and that’s the success

Doug Stanhope’s take on the NSA is unquestionably correct

Comedy is a weird thing. There are people such as Bill Hicks who I absolutely love as a comedian even though he isn’t exactly that funny. I know it’s weird to say that, but while I adore Bill Hicks, he isn’t exactly a comedian, he is funny, but when I listen to him, I end

Wu-Tang Clan Sign Language. Yup, that’s all you need to know

People often ask Zeus or Jason, “how can I write for MiddleEasy?” I’ve been told often that they don’t have an answer for that, it’s just something that happens organically. I don’t know how I started writing for MiddleEasy, it just kind of happened one day. If I had to credit anything, I’d say it’s

These two spider men just want Batman to calm down, okay?

Listen, sometimes Batman is going to lose his cool. He knows a gangster when he sees one, and damn it – he’s Batman. Posturing is part of his gig as crusader of the night, and don’t try to calm him down, or do. It really depends actually. Sometimes, if universes collide, not one, but two

This AHL refcam makes me miss the Pride FC refcam

One of the things that I miss most about the Pride, was the ref cam. It’s kind of silly to say that, with the laundry list of aspects of Pride to miss. Something such as a camera angle is silly, but man, it was awesome. There’s just an undeniable quality that’s so striking when you

Here is Macaulay Culkin, eating pizza

This is Macaulay Culkin. He is a man. He is sitting. Macaulay Culkin has a bag. Macaulay Culkin has some spices, possibly red pepper flakes. Inside the bag is a slice of pizza. Macaulay Culkin eats the pizza. He is a man. Please, watch Macaulay Culkin eat the pizza. He bites it, chews, and then

This rendition of Pachelbel’s Canon in D on floppy drives is radical

I disdain people who hold nostalgia over old technology. Don’t get me wrong, we all put on rose-tinted glasses when looking back at some aspects of life, but of all the things to have nostalgia for, old technology should never be one of them. When people bring up how they didn’t have cell phones in

HBO wants you to roast Joffrey Baratheon using the powers of social media

Oh, Joffrey Baratheon. We hate you so much. You’re a coward, born of an incestious relationship and in general just a douche. You’re also a fictional character, so… But never mind mocking a character created in the hairy mind of George R.R. Martin, it’s weird, but also pretty cool at the same time. HBO wants you

A trailer for the new Godzilla movie was released today, check it out…

Am I the only person that can’t take the new Godzilla seriously if it doesn’t involve Dave Chappelle playing the role of the monster? Actually, television and movies need more Dave Chappelle — however some conspiracy theorists believe that Chappelle exited the industry in an attempt to not align himself with the Illuminati. If so,