
There Sure is a Lot of Pointing in Battlefield 4, Apparently

So there are a lot of people on the internet who try to be funny. We know that by now, the internet is basically one big lulz factory, even if there are a lot of failures involved in this. That’s okay, because the cream floats to the top, or at least tries to get there.

The lead programmer of Quake and Doom is now a part of the Oculus Rift team

Virtual reality is something that has never truly interested me; it’s always been something that sounds a lot better on paper than when it’s actually executed. Much like 3D in movies/tv, it sounds like an excellent idea but when the finished product comes out, it doesn’t add much more than a few cool looking moments.

The Elder Scrolls Anthology is Coming to PC in September!

Look, if there ever was a series of games that we love, it would have to be Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls. We love Fallout as well, but c’mon, who here didn’t sink hundreds of hours into The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim over the past few years? If you are raising your hand you are probably either

The Steam QuakeCon 2013 id Day Sale is Utter INSANITY

Man, I feel like I’m always talking about cool-ass sales that go down on PC, but honestly, there are a lot of cool-ass sales that go down on PC, namely Steam. Things are no different now as QuakeCon 2013 is going on right now, which means that Steam is once again offering their QuakeCon 2013

Batman: Arkham Origins is getting the multiplayer treatment. Will it suck?

A Batman game with multiplayer? Holy [expletive], Batman! It seemed like pretty exciting news, because I was left wondering just how the gameplay of the Arkham series would translate into an online multiplayer mode. Would it just be a fun, old-school style beat ’em up? Free roam sessions? Maybe a combination of the two (ya

$12,999 gets you every US sold SNES cartridge, EVER

I recently got a chance to play through some Donkey Kong Country and my god I nearly forgot how much I adore that game. The controls are so damn tight, the difficulty curve is well balanced — it’s still a beautiful game even though the boss battles are pretty much all repeated, I don’t care.