MMA News

Big Nog wants a shot at Brock Lesnar

First off, ‘Big Nog’ is an astronomically better nickname than ‘Minotauro‘. A minotaur is one of these. A family of minotaurs is what lives above me and decides to stampede at 5am in the morning. Apparently minotaurs need slippers. A minotaur is what you need to scare the hell out of your neighbor in the

Dana White is giving away FREE UFC 104 tickets

So if you live in the LA area and can make it to the Staples Center at 12pm today than you can get a pair of free tickets compliments of your boy, Dana White. Seriously, we’re not making this up. Either someone hacked into Dana White’s twitter account or he’s just feeling overly generous. It’s

DirecTV waves goodbye to WEC

Bummer. Looks like that ridunkulous Bowles vs. Torres fight will be it for a few thousand people across America (I’m one of those people so today has an even heightened level of bummerness). Apparently the decision to yank Versus off of DirecTV stems from prior beef they have with Comcast (yeah, satellite companies have beef

Big Country is now a Gracie black-belt

Everybody get those KFC two-for-one coupons and barrels of Sam’s Club mayonnaise out so we can celebrate Roy Nelson getting his black-belt from Renzo Gracie last week. Big Country just proves that if you judge a book by it’s cover, that book will submit you in a key-lock, force you to tap out and then

Check out our EXCLUSIVE coverage of the 2009 IMMAE

The IMMAE wrapped up last weekend and MiddleEasy reporter, Elena Lopez (she has a tattoo of our logo on her back. Not really, but give it some time), covered the expo. She also got tons of free MMA stuff just for being a hot chick. Besides coming home with loads of gear, she managed to

Check out our EXCLUSIVE coverage of the 2009 IMMAE

The IMMAE wrapped up last weekend and MiddleEasy reporter, Elena Lopez (she has a tattoo of our logo on her back. Not really, but give it some time), covered the expo. She also got tons of free MMA stuff just for being a hot chick. Besides coming home with loads of gear, she managed to

‘Fedor hasn’t felt the power that he’s about to get’ – Rogers

Since we’re all sitting on our nearly busted computer chairs twittering our thumbs for this Fedor/Rogers match-up to go down, the best we can do is enjoy the war of words being exchanged between the fighters. Granted it’s not really a war, nothing like the Rogers/Overeem stuff that had us pretty entertained about a month

So Mayhem Miller is on G4’s American Ninja Warrior…

Jason ‘Mayhem’ Miller announced via Twitter that he’s going to be in an upcoming episode of G4’s American Ninja Warrior. If you’re still getting used to the various twits and twats people have been addicted to this year, then I suggest you sign up, then follow us…then eventually follow Mayhem Miller. He’s a pretty inspirational

Now check out the ONE SECOND knock out!

So a while ago Steve Ramirez scored a three-second knockout that, at the time, we thought was the fastest recorded knockout in MMA. Then a few weeks ago, a tape surfaced of Ryohei Masuda serving a KO to Takahiro Kuroishi in just two-seconds. After the fight, the crazy 88s made an appearance just for added

The Fedor/Rogers bettings odds are out and…wow

Now that I finally have a little money in my Sportsbook account I was feeling a little frisky and thought I would see what else I could drop cash on. Frisky? Wtf. I never use that word. Damn, where did that come from? That was not planned. That was not in the MiddleEasy itinerary. Frisky

Dana White not happy about UFC 102

So it seems like Dana White was not happy about the results of UFC 102. Dude was the only one because judging from all the spilled beer in my apartment, everyone seemed to enjoy it (and didn’t stay after to clean up, typical). Apparently it wasn’t the quality of the fights but the attendance from

Randy Couture signs SIX-FIGHT contract with UFC

Chances are, Randy Couture is probably older than your dad. Randy Couture could probably own your dad in a fight also. It’s nothing to be ashamed about, Randy Couture fights guys over a decade younger than them and gives them a run for their money. Dude nearly went the distance with Brock (Heath Herring’s the

Big Nog with the even bigger win

Is it too early to call that ‘Fight of the Year’? Despite being sponsored by Cash 4 Gold and being one of the legendary headliners for EA Sports MMA, The Natural just couldn’t get the W against Big Nog. With a name like Big Nog, you wonder why Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira hasn’t been sponsored by

Thiago Silva takes out Technoviking

So we didn’t get the technoviking entrance that everyone would have salivated over. But we did get to see a devastating left-hook knock…but it didn’t come from the dean of mean. Thiago aced Jardine 1:35 in the first round and the dude is only 26 years old. For some reason, they had to tell us

Nate has kryptonite in his gloves

Somewhere in Arizona, our dude Banguiz is smiling somewhere with beer spilled over his shirt. He loves Nate. Loves him the only way a man named Banguiz can love another man. Brokeback mountain style? Probably…but we will never ask. WOW! If Nate doesn’t get knock out of the night then I’m going to create

The Truth was just verified

It looks like those magical tattoos on the back of Brandon Vera were activated prior to the fight to give him the edge needed to knock off the polish experiment. Actually, the hypothesis was tested on the experiment and we now have the truth. There, I just made my 3rd grade science teacher proud. Maybe