
2K Announces DLC Plans for WWE2K15

We have some huge plans for WWE2K15 when it comes out because no matter what wrestling games are an important part of a game collection. Even people I know who don’t like wrestling still buy wrestling games because of how fun they can be. That says a lot. A big part of games these days

Star Citizen is Literally Amazing in Scope

The year is 2014 and it is safe to say that we are all kind of sick of crowdfunding being used in videogames. We’ve had some successes come from it, but we’ve also had a crazy amount of failures of varying shapes in sizes. We’ve seen games that were crowdfunded only partially deliver, deliver incredibly

What’s Xur selling this weekend in Destiny?

Iron Banner shades for hunters are ugly. Iron Banner is kind of lame. Level advantages are enabled, but they don’t really make the game feel that much different. Bungie – just give us a straight up hardcore mode, no radar, etc, and be done with it. That being said, I still keep plugging hours into

Robin Black breaks down his top 3 kills in Bethesda’s Evil Within

As a fan of Resident Evil up until RE5, and as a massive fan of Viewtiful Joe, the early Devil May Cry games and Ace Attorney (even though I’ve never played the Ace games, I recognize their greatness) it’s easy to say that I’m simply a fan of Shinji Mikami. Yes, Resident Evil probably wouldn’t

Rumors are swirling that GTA V will be released on PS4 two weeks before Xbox One

Mother what the hell y’all! There’s rumours afoot. I like the word afoot. It’s such a strange use of the English language, but it’s beautiful nonetheless. That’s another one. Nonetheless, it’s so lazy. Someone just decided one day, I’m done with spaces. Anyways, rumours or rumors as you lot across the pond call them are

Assassin’s Creed Unity is Looking Pretty Alright

When it comes to the Assassin’s Creed games I’m a bit torn on them. Initially the series was a breath of fresh air, providing a really fun look back into history with some pretty fun gameplay mechanics to boot. The series has turned into a yearly-installment franchise which has led to some good games and

The new game from former Bioshock developers looks super duper cool

Over the last console generation, we saw the arise of many trends. This article will make note of nearly every major trend. Well… except for the rise of online gaming, that I won’t (thank you Al Gore for allowing that to be possible.) Over the past generation we saw the rise of a certain aspect

Iron Banner is coming to Destiny tomorrow

Destiny is unfinished. The loot system sucks. The PvP is unbalanced. You have to have no life to be good at it. And [insert whatever overstated critiques of the game that are left here]. There. It’s taken care of, so you won’t have to complain about any of that stuff in the comments. We know.

P.T. Gets the Minecraft Makeover Treatment

We’ve officially entered into the stage where literally everything that has ever existed will be remixed with the Guile theme, dubbed with Jim Ross or recreated in Minecraft. It’s just the way of the internet (thank you, Al Gore). The latest victim of this is the demo for the new Silent Hill game P.T. Mysteriously

Let’s Check Out Some Single Player From Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

If there’s one thing Call of Duty has always been good at, it’s ridiculous setpieces in single player. We’re quick to judge COD on its linear gameplay, and short stories but god help them, they’re trying. A steady studio rotation should keep the game fresh, but really we’re going to get the same engine we’ve

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Entices You with Claptrap Gameplay Footage

The Borderlands games are something of a marvel, in part because they never pretend to be anything more than what they are. The Borderlands games are about running, shooting and playing with friends, pretty much. You could come to some other conclusions but it might be thinking a bit too much about what is a

Here’s what Xur is selling this weekend in Destiny

When it comes to loot in Destiny the most sought after items are the exotic ones. Which, of course, are the most difficult to come by. Since I’ve owned the game I’ve come across just one exotic bounty, and it’s for a handcannon…which I never use. No doubt the easiest way to acquire exotic items

Oh, ****! Quan Chi revealed for Mortal Kombat X

With each character reveal, I find myself growing more eager to whoop Jason’s ass at the next Mortal Kombat. He destroys me every time we play Injustice, because apparently that badass 45% damage Aquaman combo (don’t laugh, he’s the most overpowered dude in the game) doesn’t work online. Figures. Once MKX is out, and finds