Mother what the hell y’all! There’s rumours afoot. I like the word afoot. It’s such a strange use of the English language, but it’s beautiful nonetheless. That’s another one. Nonetheless, it’s so lazy. Someone just decided one day, I’m done with spaces.
Anyways, rumours or rumors as you lot across the pond call them are as follows. According to – GTA V may well drop on the PS4 TWO whole weeks before the Xbox One, as a timed exclusive. Holy shit.
Gist is, people noticed that if you digitally pre-ordered GTA V on the PS4 back on October 2nd, the release date was set as the 4th of November.
Also listed were two separate PS4 exclusive digital pre-order bonuses.
This is pretty big news, and I expect Rockstar or Sony to deal with it quickly. There’s not much time between now and November, so expect the game to go gold in the next week or so, followed by an announcement to clarify A) When the PS4 version is due and B) What the PS4 exclusive content is.