
Here are last week’s top 5 EA UFC knockouts

The MiddleEasy staff likes to experiment with their videogames, and EA UFC is no exception. It may be a testament to EA UFC’s fantastic stand up, or a reminder of its questionable ground game, but we’ve created an intricate kickboxing and now boxing league in EA UFC. We adjust the stats accordingly, with kick and

This GTAV PS4 looks sleek, beautiful, yellow

Hey, are you tired of your black, boring and bland PS4? TOO BAD! Rockstar made a super sweet, sleek and splendid PS4. Do you want one? TOO BAD AGAIN! There’s only one in existence and you’ll never have it. I never understood the idea of having a custom console with graphics on it and such,

2K Releases a New, Shiny WWE2K15 Trailer

Last night was WWE’s Night of Champions PPV, which left today as a perfect opportunity for 2K Games to ride that wave with a new trailer from WWE2K15. There has been very little media out there of the game thus far, only a few screenshots here and there, which has been troubling to some. We

This Guide is the BEST Way to Mine Loot in Destiny

If you are like most of us, you’ve ignored the snooty reviews and crazy expectations that have been pushed on Destiny and have been playing — and enjoying — it. Destiny is a ton of fun and while the campaign might not be the most fulfilling thing in the world, a lot of the Crucible

MGS V: Dog with an eyepatch confirmed

Dogs have taken a prominent place in gaming over the past few years. Look no further than one of the largest game franchises of all time, Call of Duty. When a franchise of that magnitude releases a game with a dog, people start to take notice. This is srs bsns. The Metal Gear Series is

Silent Hills: A warped new trailer will help you pee your pants

Now there’s no shame in being a grown man/woman/manwoman, and being terrified of what you’re about to see. I’d actually recommend you wrangle up some friends or loved ones before watching this, because you’re likely to never be the same again. For those of you that have played the strangely warped P.T demo on the

Getting killed in Destiny? Check out our video full of helpful tips!

Almost every single person in the MiddleEasy office has eschewed their responsibilities to get down on Destiny. Yeah, we all have different opinions on the quality and depth of the game, but the bottom line is that we all think the game is really friggin’ fun. So there’s that.  Jessamyn Duke has already said she’ll

Sony is looking to add PS1, 2 and 4 games to PlayStation Now

You guys remember Playstation Now, right? The service that went into beta in July but you’re still paying for it… So calling it a beta is a bit strange. It’s the service that allows you to rent games for an extended period of time and stream them over the PS4. When it initially rolled out,

Have Faith! Good Will Prevail! Chivalry Heading to Xbox 360 and PS3

I love melee games. It shouldn’t be a secret by now, but who knows, most of you guys thought that every article on the site was written by Zeus for years, so who knows if the byline means anything to you. Regardless of that, melee games own and have been a popular sub-genre on the

Bummer. WWE2K15 Delayed on Next Gen

Just last night Gary, Jason and myself were having a brainstorming session about awesome stuff that we could do with WWE2K15 and Twitch broadcasts. Wrestling games kind of hold that special place in everyone’s hearts of being able to do really crazy, fun things with them, even if you aren’t into wrestling. I remember playing

Aaron Rodgers and the great Madden 15 QB sneak fail

So… hand egg, huh? Let’s get this out of the way Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Greg Hardy are awful scumbags, Ray McDonald is allegedly a scumbag. So now that’s out of the way, we can talk about the sport that is hand egg. The sport has changed so much since I started watching as

Notch is Just Done, Man. He’s Done

Earlier today we talked about how Microsoft purchased Mojang, which, by proxy meant that they bought the crazy smash hit that is Minecraft. It was a lot of money, enough to where Notch’s own personal share in Mojang meant that he was not only rich like before, but filthy rich. He made the curious decision

Next Gen Mothereffin’ GTA V

Rockstar today announced that GTA V is coming to Xbox One and PS4 on November 18th, 2014 with the PC version to follow in January 27th, 2015. This is incredible news! I’ve been awaiting an official release date for what seems like bloody months, because well it has been months. Here’s some highlights of the