
Watch the Destiny E3 Gameplay Trailer With Commentary Now

I can’t stress enough just how cool Bungie’s upcoming game Destiny looks. It’s their first big project outside of the Halo universe and away from the protective womb of Microsoft since they’ve become a household name and many will have crazy expectations from them. That being said, it looks like they’ll have no problem handling

Go Ahead, Enter the Konami Code on Vogue’s UK Website

I’m not really sure how to explain this one, like, at all. You are probably moderately aware of the publication Vogue, even if you’ve just heard about it in passing. It really has nothing to do with video games at all. So why can I enter the Konami/Contra Code while looking at the UK site

Cube World Alpha is Available – A Delightful Mix of Zelda and Minecraft

I feel like these days that most of the better games that are being released are coming from smaller, independent studios. There just seems to be a wealth of creativity and unique art styles coming from the smaller developers, as opposed to trying to make everything uber-realistic and everything having a Jerry Bruckheimer script with

Final Fantasy 7 just got its long-awaited PC re-release on Steam

Ah, FF7. I remember when My Dad let me skip two crucial days of the beginning weeks of my freshman year in highschool just so I could play the hell out of this gem. I did it all — Gold Chocobo, Ruby and Emerald weapon defeated — I played so much my clock timer reset.

Prepare to Shout at Your Kinect – Xbox One Won’t Include a Headset

Even when Microsoft goes out of their way to reverse their bad decisions on the Xbox One, some new ones pop up and everyone’s head spins all over again. This time it is kind of a minor thing, until you consider the ramifications of the whole thing. The Xbox One will not come bundled with

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Gets a New Trailer

I’ll be honest here, I’ve been writing about gaming as a quasi-profession for over a year now and I’ve been playing games for almost all of the 30 years of my existence and I have no clue what is going on with Final Fantasy anymore. Final Fantasy X was kind of a breaking point for

Celebrate the 4th of July with four days of Red Dead Redemption triple XP

Rockstar is offering up triple XP for the next four days in Max Payne 3 and Red Dead Redemption. That’s right, four days. Not a triple XP weekend, or even a three day weekend. Four glorious days of the debauchery and mayhem that is Red Dead Redemption’s online free roam. Let’s be honest, as infuriating

I would buy the 8-bit Last of Us so ridiculously fast

Last of Us is awesome. It’s kind of overhyped too. It’s the Chris Weidman of videogames, really. It’s really, really good, but it has millions of dollars of marketing claiming that it’s the best game ever made, when all you really do is throw bricks and sneak around. Solid Snake would have such an easy

Broken Age – Double Fine’s Kickstarter Game – Needs More Money

As much as I’m excited about the upcoming Broken Age from Double Fine and Tim Shafer, I gotta be honest here when I admit that I’ve been incredibly hands-off when it comes to the Kickstarter updates and the documentary stuff that they’ve been doing. I’m not even sure that I signed up for a forum

Mega Man is coming to the Wii-U in the next Super Smash Bros! Yes!

See, this should’ve happened fifteen years ago. Or, at least in Super Smash Bros Melee in 2001. All I have ever wanted in a Smash game outside of Solid Snake (which was kind of hit and miss) was Mega Man, and now he’s here… But we have to wait until 2014 for the game to

Project Zomboid looks like the zombie game I’ve always wanted

Give me a top down RPG that looks like a mix of X-Com and Ultima Online but make it a hardcore, zombie-infested world that you can shape and change dynamically with your character, and you can take all of my money. Take it all. I’ve always dreamt out loud about a game where the individual

You can preorder the Asus 4k PC monitor, but it’s running 3500 bucks

They say the bottlenecks in gaming in 2013 are found in the non solid state hard drives of yesteryear, and the monitors. Vsync, refresh rates, all of these issues are popping up now that our gaming hardware has far surpassed the canvas the artists are creating on, but naturally, that end of the technology spectrum

Xbox One will attempt to lump all the douches together during play sessions

When the Xbox One launches this November, trolls, douches,annoying little kids and jerk bros will all be lumped together in a way for Microsoft to cast the unwashed griefers into a pit where they can only play with other assheads. Seems awesome, but didn’t they attempt that already on the 360 with the feedback system?

Happy 4th of July, Saints Row IV style

In the new Saints Row, earth has gotten its jaw shattered by aliens. But fear not my brethren, all hope is not lost. Because today is the 4th of July, and a video game company wouldn’t release a trailer the day before the 4th of July if America was just going to get its jaw