Street Fights

And now for the second annual St. Paddy’s Day Street MMA round up.

No holiday lends itself to more Lessons in Street MMA than St. Patrick’s Day. The alcohol is flowing, people are roaming the streets, and that ‘Fightin Irish’ spirit is injected into everyone like some fine, green, testosterone. We here at MiddleEasy don’t condone Street MMA, but we will watch it and share it with you

A Lesson in Street MMA: Don’t mess with the ‘Quiet Girl’ edition

This latest batch of Street MMA has exploded in popularity across the Facebook universe over the last few days, so we nabbed it because we just had share the spectacular battle with you guys. Get past about twenty seconds of pre-fight banter and you will witness a Frye/Takayama exchange, some of those controversial kicks to

A Lesson in Street MMA: A good sound guy can make the fight even better

Who needs a foley when your Street MMA combatants are mic’d properly and are swinging for the fences? Very few people, that’s who. So often the production crew behind a Street MMA bout is undergeared and undertrained, but not this guy. The camerman here seems to have a boom operator and maybe even a few

A Lesson in Street MMA: Even when your nose is spewing blood, never give up

This Lesson in Street MMA is the only superfight the MMA world should care about. A guy named ‘Squidy’ takes on another person named ‘Paul,’ although we’re not sure who exactly in this video is Squiddy. Perhaps it’s the dude in the camouflage hat that continuously moves forward as if he were drawn to the