And now for the second annual St. Paddy’s Day Street MMA round up.

No holiday lends itself to more Lessons in Street MMA than St. Patrick’s Day. The alcohol is flowing, people are roaming the streets, and that ‘Fightin Irish’ spirit is injected into everyone like some fine, green, testosterone. We here at MiddleEasy don’t condone Street MMA, but we will watch it and share it with you guys with a chuckle and push of our elbows. In honor of the holiday that will no doubt be bringing us many lessons as soon as people upload them in a haze tomorrow morning, we present to you a few St. Patrick’s Day Lessons in Street MMA.

As always, these St. Paddy’s fights are as fresh as a green beer (AKA all from last year). Enjoy.

First up: We begin this fight in the dominating side control of a man in sunglasses (I was entranced with how long it took for the sunglasses to come off) who lets his opponent reset in the middle of the fighting area. They engage again, and Sunglasses shows excellent control against the cage until the referees break it up. They’ve seen enough domination.

The second fight is more of a St. Paddy’s day grappling match with traditional Irish folk music playing in the background. They even grapple on a festive green mat, which is appropriate for the occasion. Watch a sloppy little back and forth match that’s greatly enhanced by the aforementioned music and the horrible coaching of the drunken cornermen. As we see so ofter, dude with a back tattoo wins. Oops, spoiler alert.

This fight is on the list purely because I laughed out loud to the lady whimpering ‘I want to go home.’ I know that’s mean of me, but it’s still pretty funny. This fight takes us on a rare, behind-the-glass view of some violent Street MMA with the production crew getting B-roll of the audience. It’s not every day you can hear the audience commentate on a fight with such raw emotion.

This is just a St. Paddy’s cluster****. It was just so insane I had to include it. It’s pure, St. Paddy’s Street MMA overstimulation with a splash of train fights. It’s nearly impossible to categorize in fact, outside of under the ‘demoralizing future of the human race,’ category. There are moments where people are mouthing communications into the cameras, fists are flying, and green is everywhere. Ridiculous.

Be careful out there, people. St. Paddy’s Day, alcohol plus a Nick Diaz fight may or may not start riots across multiple countries tonight.

Published on March 16, 2013 at 9:26 pm
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