Up next the lightweights take the stage, as Charles Rosa and Kevin Aguilar look to perform and rise in the rankings of the toughest division in the sport.
Round 1
Rosa starts with a kick but it gets blocked and Aguilar shoves him to the ground. Rosa lands a leg kick in the southpaw stance before switching. Aguilar shows some aggression and lands a nice punch, Rosa returns with another leg kick. Aguilar lands right hand straight down the middle and seems to try to lure Rosa into close randge. Rosa controls the distance with leg kicks but Aguilar gets into randge to land a right-hand flush. Rosa mostly uses his kicks so far, big right hand lands for Aguilar. Rosa gets hit with a counter right as he gets close to Rosa. Nice push kick from Aguilar, Rosa dives to the leg for a takedown but Aguilar shows some good takedown defense and lands some Hammer shots. End of the round.
Round 1: 10-9 Aguilar
Round 2
Big left kick from Rosa starts the second round. Aguilar cuts the distance and lands a right hand after Rosa misses a side kick. Nice left hand from Rosa but Aguilar answers with a left hand of his own. Combination from Aguilar lands and he backs away. Rosa keeps throwing some heavy kicks at Aguilar who seems to be pushing the pace here with two minutes to go. Big body kick from Aguilar who then counters a kick from Rosa with a left hook. Left cross from Rosa backs up Aguilar, Aguilar lands a leg kick follows Rosa around. Rosa lands two combinations in the last Twenty seconds that seems to rock Aguilar. Ends of the round.
Round 2: 10-9 Rosa
Round 3
Rosa appears to have a cut on his forehead but he lands some nice punches and looks fresh. Big combination from Aguilar, he follows it up with a right hand and follows Rosa around. Aguilar gets the clinch but Rosa rolls for the knee and Aguilar backs away. Left hand lands for Rosa but Aguilar returns with two big right hands. Body kick from Rosa and Aguilar returns with a leg kick. Straight left hand from Aguilar. Left cross from Rosa and he slips out of danger. Agiilar changes levels but the takedown gets stuffed. Aguilar lands a counter right hook and controls the center of the octagon. End of the fight.
Round 3: 10-9 Aguilar
Official results: 29-28, 28-29, 28-29 Charles Rosa wins by split decision.
Check the highlights below:
🍀 @CharlesRosaMMA ends RD2 with an exclamation mark. #UFCVegas2 pic.twitter.com/06JBcv54zO
— UFC (@ufc) June 14, 2020
🗣 From Peabody, Massachusetts! #UFCVegas2 pic.twitter.com/EYsUeoN001
— UFC (@ufc) June 14, 2020