This is the main event of the evening. Jessica Eye faces Cynthia Calvillo in the women’s flyweight division.
Notes: Eye missed weight for this fight.
Round 1
Eye takes the center of the octagon and Calvillo circles around throwing shots to the body. Eye lands a right hand and makes Calvillo back up. Calvillo gets intercepted with two right hands as she tries to break the distance. Left high kick by Calvillo is caught by Eye who then lands a right hand. Counter right from Eye lands flush. Calvillo is on the outside looking for openings but her front kick gets caught by Eye. Calvillo lands a right hand and advances. Calvillo gets inside again and lands an overhand right. Eye feints a lot and pumps the jab, Calvillo eats a right hand. End of the round.
Round 1: 10-9 Jessica Eye
Round 2
This time Calvillo takes the center of the cage and feints. Calvillo lands a left hand twice and follows up with an uppercut. Calvillo lands a jab followed by a left hand. Calvillo dives for the takedown, she eats a knee from Eye but keeps pushing and gets the takedown on a second effort. Eye is on her back trying to control Calvillo’s wrist. Eye gets back up to her feet but Calvillo attempts to take the back. She pushes Eye off the cage and finally gets the back. Calvillo puts the hooks in and controls Eye on the ground. Eye holds on to the wrists of her opponent but Calvillo gets a body triangle to maintain her position. She starts landing some ground and pound and rolls Eye back on the ground.
Round 2: 10-9 Cynthia Calvillo.
Round 3
Eye starts the round with a jab and takes the center of the octagon. Calvillo circles around her and goes to the body. Big leg kick from Calvillo, she lands a left hand and a combination as Eye tries to pressure her. Nice jab from Eye keeping Calvillo at a distance. left hook lands from Eye but Calvillo returns with a right hand. Left hook lands for Calvillo who then evades the pressure. Calvillo ducks under and gets a slick takedown. Calvillo gets the back once again with twenty seconds remaining. She lands some ground and pound as the round ends.
Round 3: 10-9 Cynthia Calvillo
Round 4:
Eye pressures from the get-go but Calvillo gets an early takedown. She immediately gets the back and looks to advance. Elbows from Calvillo with both hooks in. Calvillo loses the position in a scramble and Eye gets back up. Takedown attempt stopped by Eye who starts stalking Calvillo. Right-hand lands for Eye and she keeps pressuring Calvillo. Nice counter from Calvillo to alleviate the pressure. End of the round.
Round 4: 10-9 Cynthia Calvillo
Round 5:
The fighters touch gloves as a sign of respect and start throwing seconds later. Uppercut lands for Eye but Calvillo moves forward. A big right cross from Calvillo lands, she evades the pressure from Eye before landing a jab. Body shot lands for Calvillo but Eye returns with a combination. Spinning back fist lands for Calvillo, Jessica Eye looks for the finish but Calvillo uses her momentum to get the takedown. Both fighters scramble and Calvillo loses the position. End of the fight.
Round 5: 10-9 Cynthia Calvillo
Official results: 49-46, 49-46, 48-47 for Cynthia Calvillo who wins by unanimous decision.
Check the highlights below:
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Do we have a new title contender!? 🏆 #UFCVegas2
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