In this featherweight bout the young canadian prospect Charles Jourdain faces an experienced fighter in Andre Fili.
Round 1
Fili takes the center of the cage but eats a body kick from Jourdain. The fighters exchange left hooks before Jourdain lands another body kick. Fili is the one pushing the pace but Jourdain lands some nice punches. Jourdain misses with a head kick and gets tounted by Fili who then lands a body kick of his own. Both fighters exchange and lands some heavy kicks, Fili keeps Following Jourdain around and lands a jab. BIG LEFT HOOK FROM JOURDAIN DROPS FILI, he follows his opponent to the ground but Fili manages to get up. Jourdain looks like the most accurate fighter, but Fili catches one of his kicks and gets the takedown. Both fighters are up grip fighting as the round ends.
Round 1: 10-9 Jourdain
Round 2
Both fighters waste no time to engage and exchange kicks. Jourdain lands a leg kick returned immediately by Fili. Jourdain circles around the fence blocking Fili’s assaults but the Hawaiian keeps moving forward. Right hand lands for Fili but Jourdain is establishing his kicks nicely. Fili lands another good right hand and pushes Jourdain backward. Both fighter switch stances often, Jourdain lands some nice punches but Fili dives to his hips and gets the takedown. After a few seconds Fili backs away from Jourdain and lets him up. End of the round.
Round 2: 10-9 Fili
Round 3
Fili looks to push the pace once again and lands a front kick. Jourdain misses on a spinning back fist and looks like the more exhausted of the two. Right cross lands for Fili but Jourdain answers with a left hook. Fili feints the one-two and dives for the takedown. Fili manages to keep Jourdain down and maintain a dominant position but Jourdain escapes. Jab lands from Fili, both fighters land in the Pocket before backing away. Left hook and right straight lands for Jourdain and follows up with a leg kick. Fili advances and attempts the takedown but gets stuffed by Jourdain. Fili rushes into another takedown attempt and this time he gets it. Fili is on top landing ground and pound as the fight ends.
Round 3: 10-9 Fili
Results: Andre Fili wins by split decision 28-29, 29-28, 29-28
Check the highlights below:
— UFC (@ufc) June 14, 2020
How did you score it? 📝 #UFCVegas2
— UFC (@ufc) June 14, 2020
💪 @TouchyFili gets the close decision from #UFCVegas2.
— UFC (@ufc) June 14, 2020