Dober Defeated Hernandez By TKO
Our fight before the main and co-main event is a battle in the lightweight division between Alexander Hernandez (11-2-0) and Drew Dober (22-9-0, 1 NC).
Round 1:
First round is underway here Hernandez lands a small kick to the body. Dober lands a good straight and Hernandez lands another good body kick. Alex counters with a right hand and then connects a left hook. Hernandez goes back to the body with a kick and then misses an overhand right.
Hernandez lands a takedown.
Dober looks to get back to his feet as Hernandez continues to go for another takedown. The two separate and Hernandez lands on the exit. Dober lands a small overhand right and Hernandez kicks the body again. Dober connects on a good left hand and then lands a kick to the body. Hernandez lands a stiff jab and follows with a right hand. Dober sprints in and goes for a combo. Dober goes for a counter right hand and Hernandez changes levels. Hernandez backs off the takedown and lands a good right kick. Dober continues to stalk and misses a high kick. Hernandez lands another kick to the body and Dober lands a strong combination. Dober lands again as Hernandez counters with a jab. Dober lands a left hook that seemingly pokes Hernandez in the eye as the round comes to an end.
10-9 Dober
Round 2:
Round two underway and Hernandez goes back to the body with a kick. The ref pauses the action as Hernandez lands an accidental eye poke. The fight resumes and Dober lands a good combo. Hernandez lands a big body kick as Dober continues to pressure. Hernandez shoots for a takedown and Dober defends. Hernandez lands a good left jab and then a good straight right. Dober closes the distance but Hernandez lands another counter.
Both men land big against the fence.
Hernandez lands a good right hook but Dober counters back. Dober goes for a high kick that is blocked. Hernandez misses on a combination as Dober starts to go to the legs. Hernandez lands another kick to the body but Dober counters with a right hand. Both men trade jabs. Dober lands a big shot that sends Hernandez down for a second. Dober continues to chase as Hernandez lands a big takedown. Hernandez starts to try and advance and Dober is back up. Dober lands four clean shots and continues to land. Hernandez lands a quick takedown but Dober continues to land clean. The ref stops the action as Dober continues to land clean.
Official Result: Drew Dober defeats Alexander Hernandez via TKO (Round 2, 4:22)
Check the highlights below:
𝑳𝑨𝑼𝑵𝑪𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮.@DrewDober finishes Hernandez standing! 👊
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— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
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