After dropping his last outing, Neil Magny looked to get back to winning ways against Phil Rowe at UFC Jacksonville.
UFC Jacksonville: Neil Magny vs Phil Rowe
Round 1
Rowe misses a right hook. He’s on the front foot right away. He gets Magny to grapple against the cage. Magny doing well to defend takedown attempts. They trade knee strikes and continue in the clinch. Magny reverses and has Rowe against the fence. They exchange positions and not much action in the clinch. They separate. Rowe lands a jab and a 1-2 combo. Magny uses his offensive pressure with the jab. Rowe lands a left hook. Mangy goes for a takedown and grapples off the cage. Huge elbow from Rowe.
Round 2
Jab from Rowe. Strong right hand and in side leg kick by Rowe. He gets a takedown, Magny gets up and Rowe takes his back. He’s on the back of a standing Magny. They exchange light strikes. Rowe gets down and takes Magny down quickly. Magny back up. They grapple against the fence. Magny lands a knee. Magny lands a jab. He gets in close quarters and goes for the uppercut. He’s attempting a single leg and unloads an uppercut. Nice series of knees from Magny to close the round.
Round 3
Magny eats two leg kicks. He fires one back. Magny blitzes in, get a hold of Rowe and throws multiple punches. Rowe moves out. Magny goes for the blitz again. Rowe with a jab and he eats one right back. Magny lands a nice right hand. They grapple off the cage. Magny grapples again and tries to take Rowe down. Jab from Magny. Nice right overhand and an uppercut from Rowe. Magny grapples and lands a knee. Right hand over the top by Rowe. Right hook from Rowe. Magny fires back and gets in the clinch.
Official Result: Neil Magny vs Phil Rowe defeats Neil Magny vs Phil Rowe by split decision (29-28, 29-28, 28-29).
Check out the highlights below:
Locks in his 21st UFC victory 👏👏👏@NeilMagny is going home with the win at #UFCJacksonville!
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