Alex Oliveira defeated Max Griffin via UD in a back and forth bloody battle.
To kick off UFC 248’s main card, Alex “Cowboy” Oliveira (19-8-1, 2NC) takes on Max Griffin (15-7-0) in the welterweight division.
Round 1:
The main card is underway! Griffin rushes at Oliveira and lands a short body shot. Griffin lands a good right hand and Oliveira throws a good counter. A big right uppercut by Oliveira backs up Griffin against the cage. The two separate and meet back in the center of the octagon. Oliveira lands a front kick to the body and follows it with a jab.
Big short uppercut lands for Oliveira
Oliveira lands another counter right hand but Griffin hurts him with a right. Griffin lands a takedown. Griffin begins landing short strikes from the top to the body and head. Griffin looks to advance position. Oliveira continues to control the posture of Griffin. Griffin takes the back but Oliveira is able to get to his feet. Griffin is able to take him down again but as the two get up Oliveira lands several strikes as the round ends.
10-9 Griffin
Round 2:
The second round begins and Griffin opens up with a jab. Oliveira lands two very strong leg kicks that buckle Griffin’s knees. Griffin lands a strong jab but appears to have a bad cut. Griffin initiates the clinch and Oliveira reverses it and goes for the single leg. Griffin defends it, but the ref pauses the action
The ref brings the doctor in to examine the cut.
The doctor clears Griffin, and the fight continues. Oliveira lands another hard low kick. Griffin lands a good counter but Oliveira lands another pair of leg kicks. Cowboy lands a huge right hand that is followed by another leg kick. Griffin lands a good right and shoots for a takedown. The two initiate the clinch against the fence and Oliveira lands a spinning elbow. Oliveira lands another good right as Griffin shoots for another takedown that is defended. The two clinch up against the fence as Oliveira looks for the single leg. Griffin defends but is caught with another leg kick. Oliveira lands a good front kick to the body followed by a long jab. The round ends with the two in the clinch against the fence.
10-9 Oliveira
Round 3:
The third and final round is underway. Griffin opens up with a right jab. Oliveira lands a good counter and then another front kick. The two initiate in the clinch as Griffin looks for the takedown. Oliveira defends as he lands small strikes against the fence. the two separate and Oliveira lands a takedown. Oliveira begins landing strikes from the top as he continues to look to advance position. Oliveira has full mount and begins landing huge shots.
Griffin reverses position.
Griffin is able to reverse the position as Griffin looks to land strikes from the top. Griffin begins to land as Oliveira looks to defend and get up. Griffin continues to attempt strikes as Oliveira keeps looks to keep the body lock from the bottom. Griffin ends the fight on top with both fighters covered in blood.
10-9 Oliveira
Official Result: Alex Oliveira defeats Max Griffin via unanimous decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Check the highlights below:
🇧🇷🤠 Oliveira can hit you from ANYWHERE. #UFC248
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Two welterweight warriors! 👏
Oliveira and @MaxPainGriffin putting on a true slugfest! #UFC248
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🎙️ @BruceBuffer #UFC248
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Cowboys gotta look out for each other! 🤠 #UFC248
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