Brandon Moreno has an impressive unanimous decision victory over Jussier Formiga.
Our final fight of UFC Brasilia’s prelims is underway in the flyweight division as Jussier Formiga (23-6-0) takes on Brandon Moreno (16-5-1).
Round 1:
The first round is underway and Formiga instantly jumps on a guillotine attempt as Moreno looks like he slips. Formiga continues to try for it as Moreno pops his head out. The two continue on the ground. Formiga looks for an arm bar as Moreno defends well and ends up on top. Moreno begins landing strikes from the top as Formiga looks to defend. Moreno lands some good strikes from the top. Formiga looks to escape.
Formiga up kick lands.
Formiga lands in full mount after a powerful up-kick lands. Formiga looks to continue to advance but does not move much. The ref stands them up with under thirty seconds to go. Moreno throws Formiga to the ground as round one comes to an end.
10-9 Moreno
Round 2:
Round two is underway and Moreno lands a good left hand. The two engage in wild exchange as Formiga initiates the clinch. The two separate as Moreno dodges a spinning back fist and secures a body lock. He fakes the takedown and looks to land a punch.
The ref pauses the action due to a Formiga eye poke.
Moreno continues to bring the pressure as he looks to defend a takedown. The two scramble as Formiga looks to get the back. Moreno is able to reverse into top position and begins advancing and landing strikes from the side. Moreno continues to land strikes from the top as Formigo looks to get up. Formiga returns to his feet only for Moreno to land a head kick. Formiga looks to take the back against the fence as Moreno looks to defend. Formiga continues to chase a takedown but is having little success with under a minute left. The round ends with little action
10-9 Moreno
Round 3:
The final round is underway. Moreno lands a nice right hand. Moreno charges in and lands another one two. Formiga comes in and Moreno connects with two big punches. Formigo goes for a spinning back fist that is blocked by Moreno. Formiga shoots but is hit with a nice left hand.
Formiga briefly clinches up.
The two separate and Moreno lands a strike. Formiga shoots for a takedown and is able to the fight to the canvas. Moreno scrambles perfectly and is able to get to his feet. Moreno lands a good right hand but is countered by a left from Formiga. Moreno lands a jab as Formiga continues to come forward. Formiga shoots again and it is defended by Moreno. Moreno lands a knee and Formiga takes him down. With under a minutes Formiga is top mount. The two begin landing small strikes from the top and bottom as the fight ends.
10-9 Moreno
Official Result: Brandon Moreno defeats Jussier Formiga via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28).
Check the highlights below: