A welterweight bout between Tim Means and Nicolas Dalby is taking place now (Friday, June 25, 2021) on the UFC Vegas 30 main card.
Round 1
Means lands a head kick. Both fighters are swinging early with reckless abandon! Dalby clinches Means but gets judo thrown by Means. Means passes to side control. Dalby is breathing heavy as he continues to be controlled by Means. Dalby eventually gets to his feet and separates. Means connects with a leg kick. Both fighters clinch up with Means against the fence. Means lands a knee before they separate. Dalby has a cut over his right eye. Means lands a nice combination as he drops Dalby with a left hand. However, he clinches Dalby up against the fence soon after. They separate. Dalby fails with a takedown attempt as the round ends.
Clear round for Means. 10-9.
Round 2
Dalby is aggressive early on as he goes for a takedown but fails. Means lands some big body shots. Dalby clinches him up against the fence but Means reverses. They separate. Dalby connects with a big leg kick. Dalby now lands a body kick. They start to swing as Dalby continues to breath hard. Means lands a series of left hands. Means seemingly eats a head kick soon after. Both fighters clinch before they return to striking. Dalby lands a right hook. Dalby starts to throw plenty of volume but Means remains in control as he eventually clinches him up. Dalby eats another head kick before Means lands some elbows. Means drops Dalby with a leg kick as he moves to side control. The round comes to an end.
Another round for Means. 20-18.
Round 3
Means lands a body kick. Both fighters swing again but this time, Dalby wobbles Means who goes for a desperate takedown. Dalby defends and clinches Means up against the fence. Dalby looks to trip him but Means is doing well to defend. They eventually separate before Means clinches him up again. They’re in the clinch for a while before Means lands a hook on the break. Dalby is the fresher fighter as he continues to strike aggressively only for Means to clinch him up against the fence again. Dalby escapes but Means pushes him to fence and clinches him up again. Dalby separates and wobbles Means again but Means hangs on to him to end the round.
Means should win this 29-28.
Official result: Tim Means defeats Nicolas Dalby via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28).
Check out the highlights below:
We’re in for a treat 💥
🇺🇸 @MeansTim vs 🇩🇰 @DalbyMMA
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— UFC (@ufc) June 26, 2021
Punches are flying early in RD 3 🚀
[ #UFCVegas30 | LIVE on @ESPNPlus ] pic.twitter.com/meKBhEHmgM
— UFC (@ufc) June 26, 2021
🇺🇸 The Dirty Bird gets it done with a UD win!
[ #UFCVegas30 | LIVE on @ESPNPlus ] pic.twitter.com/NXGlNaDcW5
— UFC (@ufc) June 26, 2021