Dan Ige defeats Mirsad Bektic by split decision in a back and forth battle
Mirsad Bektic (13-2-0) takes on fellow featherweight Dan Ige (12-2-0) next on UFC 247.
Round 1:
The fight begins and the two meet in the center of the octagon. The two trade early and Ige lands a clean hook. Bektic attempts a takedown and the two scramble. Ige lands a knee as the two separate. Ige lands another big hook and the two clinch up. Bektic goes for a knee and is tripped to the canvas.
Ige Lands Big Strikes
The two scramble out and Ige lands multiple big strikes. Ige lands another big strike in the pocket as he seems to be finding his rhythm. Ige lands a big shot to the body and the two clinch up against the fence. Bektic is able to separate and goes for a takedown, but is caught again by a clean hook by Ige. Bektic finally lands a left and goes for a takedown that is stuffed. Bektic connects with a nice right hand with under a minute remaining. Ige throws a big right and initiates the clinch against the fence. Ige lands a kick body and the two clinch up again as the bell rings.
10-9 Ige
Round 2:
The two open the second and exchange strikes. Bektic lands a couple good strikes and then is able to take Ige down. Bektic landing small strikes from side control as he continues to try and advance his position. Ige is able to sit up but nearly gives up his back. Ige is finally up but Bektic is able to bring him down to the canvas again
Bektic Continues to Dominate Control From The Top
Bektic keeps advancing his position and sets up an arm triangle on the ground. Bektic is in full mount with an arm triangle locked in. Bektic continues to stay in mount position attempting to apply more pressure on the choke. Ige gets out of the choke, but Bektic shows great top control. Ige goes for a kimura from the bottom but is unable to secure it. The round ends with Bektic on top.
10-9 Bektic
Round 3:
Final round begins and Ige initiates first with a missed uppercut. Ige lands an overhand right, and follows it up with a good body kick. The two exchange in the pocket in the center and then clinch up. Bektic pushes the clinch against the fence and then shoots for a takedown. The two continue clinching against the fence and the ref separates the two. Ige lands two three right hands in a row and then the two begin exchanging again in the pocket. Ige lands a big kick to the body, and Bektic counters with a quick strike.
Bektic Lands a Takedown
Bektic lands a big takedown and lands some small strikes with under two minutes to go. The two scramble again and Bektic takes Ige to the canvas again. The two continue hand fighting and throwing small strikes on the ground as the bell rings.
10-9 Ige