Gilbert Burns destroys Demian Maia with huge left hook in the first round.
Our co main event is underway in the welterweight division as Demian Maia (28-9-0) goes up against Gilbert Burns (17-3-0).
Round 1:
The co main event of UFC Brasilia has arrived! Burn opens u with a jab and a lower leg kick. Maia lands a slow jab and Burns answers with another kick. Maia lands a nice jab as Burns circles out.
Maia lands a takedown.
Burns looks to for heel hook as the two men stand up. Maia looks to take Burns back down while trying to get his back against the fence. Maia continues to look for the takedown as he gets Burns back. Burns looks to defend as Maia looks to transition. Burns is back to his feet and drops Maia with a big left hook. Burns jumps in and begins landing strikes until the ref jumps in.