MMA News

The Bruce Lee Story ‘As Told By You’ featuring Nick Diaz and Diego Sanchez

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] Ever wondered what Nick Diaz thinks about the godfather of Mixed Martial Arts? Episode 12 of The Bruce Lee Story “As Told By You” from Round 5 has popped up and it features two of the fight game’s wildest characters

Jorge Masvidal gets a shot at Gilbert Melendez’s lightweight title

As soon as I saw break the news that Gilbert Melendez would be defending his title against Jorge Masvidal, I texted Juan Carlos Faraldo, Masvidal’s strength and conditioning coach and Miami Hustle co star to express my excitement over this FOTY candidate. Naturally, Juan was excited. Very excited. Who wouldn’t be thrilled at this

Dana White’s Milwaukee V-log day one

Damn these Sunday night UFC on Versus events and their interruption of Sunday Night Fights. What is a burgeoning online fight league to do? I guess the only thing we can do: push the start time back an hour. We will be on Xbox after the show on Versus (soon to be NBC Sports) ends

Dan Hardy will try to pull off a cartwheel kick against Chris Lytle

Since your favorite MMA vlogger, Bloodstain Lane, ethered his big toe in a work accident just a few hours ago, I’ll dedicate this article to our nine-toed friend. Let me start by sharing a random dream I had last night which somehow incorporated a Bloodstain Lane appearance in a supermarket. In this dream, a group

Simon Rutz calls K-1’s bluff; wants to organize a big It’s Showtime event

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] Amidst a lot of new information and hype surrounding the return of K-1, there is at least one man who is steadfast in believing it when he sees it, and that is It’s Showtime’s head, Simon Rutz. Rutz is one

Donald Cerrone says give him an hour, and he will be ready to fight anyone

I’m sure when most people think of Donald Cerrone, the first thing they imagine is the Cowboy hat and his confident ‘I don’t really give a four-letter word about what you think’ attitude. If your brain is like mine and has it’s own personal inner DJ, it probably automatically selects theme music whenever you start pondering about a particular

Brian Ebersole talks about the art of the hairrow in this UFC video

We gave birth to the term ‘Hairrow’ in MMA’s lexicon and since then it’s been the most least imitated fashion in the world. Look, not everyone can pull off the Hairrow. The fact is, the Hairrow chooses you. If your chest hair isn’t worthy, whatever design you intend to carve in your torso will loudly

The Friday Morning MMA Link Party

It’s Friday morning and don’t you think you deserve a little pre-afternoon partying? Of course you do. You’ve made it this far into the week without murdering your fellow human being. This is our way to reward you for not killing someone. Stop the killing, start the Friday morning MMA link partying. With the help

Kazuhiro Nakamura returns against Gerald Harris at Dream 17

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on MMA-Japan, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] Kazuhiro Nakamura who has been out of action since July of last year, will be returning at Dream 17. Nakamura who was a staple of Pride FC, who famously fought his master, Hidehiko Yoshida in what would be Yoshida’s retirement

Check out this hypothetical ProElite Heavyweight Grand-Prix

A couple days ago it was announced that ProElite is in fact planning to host a heavyweight grand-prix at some point in 2012. With ProElite’s relation with Bellator and BAMMA, our creative juices started to flow and a few hours later, an entire graphical heavyweight bracket was created, complete with alternate bouts. A brief breakdown

For your own safety, do not con Wallid Ismail

[div class=”notice” class2=”icon”]The following is from an article on DstryrSG, part of the MiddleEasy Network.[/div] Lying about your credentials is shady and ill-advised, but people do it all the time to get ahead.  It can back fire against you too.  It’s all fun and games until someone asks you to work the fryer or make