Zubaira Tukhugov lands a brutal left hook in route to a first round KO victory over Kevin Aguilar
To finish the prelims we have a featherweight fight between Kevin Aguilar (17-2-0) and Zubaira Tukhugov (18-4-1)
Round 1:
The fighters touch gloves and the two fighters begin to feel one another out. Tukhugov lands a low kick as Aguilar lands a nice combo. Tukhugov lands a nice overhand but Aguilar counters with a straight. Aguilar lands a nice leg kick.
Tukhugov swarms and lands a short combo
Tukhugov lands another big shot as Aguilar continues to try and find his distance. Aguilar tries a high kick and Tukhugov lands a huge left hook that sends Aguilar to the canvas. Aguilar gets back up but is cracked and knocked down again. Aguilar is hurt bad as Tukhugov continues to land huge shots. The refs stops the fight as Tukhugov lands a few more big blows.
Official Result: Zubaira Tukhugov defeats Kevin Aguilar by KO (Round 1, 3:21)
Check the highlights below:
🇷🇺 @ZubairaTukhugov with the constant pressure!
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— UFC (@ufc) February 22, 2020