You guys are always getting what you want around here. It’s like we are creating an army of wonderfully spoiled readers. Sunday Morning Rumour Mill was gone for a few weeks while Zeus was galavanting himself all over Southeast Asia and you guys threw yourselves on the floor kicking and screaming like a toddler that just had his pacifier taken away. We are not complaining though-we like that you like it, you love it and you want some more of it.
We want to keep giving you what you want so we are sharing this video we know you want to see. See there, not only do we give you what you want but we are clairvoyant enough to know you want it before you even tell us. Impressive skills. This Genghis Con video highlighting Brian Stann training for his KO win over Alessio Sakara this past saturday is impressive too. It is full of behind the scenes footage of Brian working his Thai boxing with one time world Muay Thai champion Manu Ntoh at Madhouse fighting in Atlanta, GA and shows just why his knees were able to commit such brutality upon Sakara at UFC Sweden. Check it out.