If I were a superhero, there would absolutely be no sequels. I would fix everything imaginable the first time around, none of this coming back nonsense. Diego Sanchez reminds me of a guy that likes to get everything done at once. So it was no surprise that on the UFC 107 ‘Countdown’ show, dude created a hybrid cartwheel. Walking around San Diego pumping his fists at strangers screaming ‘Yes‘ just wasn’t enough. He infused his ‘Yes’ chant with a cartwheel just because he could. It’s like the MMA version of ‘two-in-one’ shampoo/conditioner.
I think it was Alfred North Whitehead who said all humans are always in the process of denying the ‘yes’ and when our life ends, we finally accept the ‘yes’ and move on to the other side. Damn. Sorry to drop existentialism on you guys on a Saturday night. You’ve probably killed enough brain cells to render your English comprehension to a primary/secondary reading level. It’s cool, I’m probably right there with you. I’ll keep it brief. Diego Sanchez won. End of story.