Glover Teixeira survived the fast start of Anthony Smith in route to a big fifth round TKO victory.
The main event is underway between Light Heavyweights Anthony Smith (32-14-0) and Glover Teixeira (30-7-0).
Round 1:
The main event of UFC Jacksonville is underway. Smith lands a big right hand to start and lands a low leg kick. Smith lands another jab. Glover misses on an overhand left. Smith lands another straight jab and then cracks Glover with a straight right. Glover misses again and Smith lands another one-two. Smith lands another low kick as Glover comes forward. Glover lands a shot that is answered instantly by Smith.
Teixeira lands an unintentional strike to the groin.
The action has restarted and Smith lands a big right hand. Smith continues to lead with the jab as Glover continues to find his range. Two very good leg kicks from Glover are answered by a low kick overhand right combo. Glover lands to the body as Smith continues to use the kick to keep the distance. Smith lands a big kick and Glover shoots for an unsuccessful takedown. Teixeira lands a good leg kick but Smith lands two kicks of his own. Glover lands a big right hand that pushes Smith back. Glover continues the pressure with Smith landing a knee as the first round ends.
10-9 Smith
Round 2:
Second round underway and Teixeira lands a good left hook. Smith throws a few jabs but does not connect. Smith lands a jab again but Glover answers with a shot to the body. Smith lands another jab and then a big right hand. Glover lands a nice left hand as Smith looks for another kick. Smith goes for a spinning back elbow but misses. Glover lands two shots and Smith answers with another jab. Smith lands another jab as Glover looks to close the distance. Smith lands another front kick.
Huge overhand for Smith
Smith landed a huge shot and Glover keeps coming. Glover is able to land big shots against the fence. Glover continues to tee off with clean powerful shots against the fence. Smith throws a good uppercut but misses on a knee. Glover keeps going forward and lands an overhand again. Smith continues with low kicks and follows it up with a jab. Smith lands a right hand as Glover keeps pushing forward. Another left hook from Glover as he has Smith against the fence. Spinning back kick by Glover as the second round comes to an end.
10-9 Teixeira
Round 3:
Third round underway and Smith lands a left jab. Glover lands a good body kick but Smith catches it and Glover goes down. Smith looks to go down but Glover is able to get back up. Big uppercut from Glover.
Glover hurts Smith
Glover lands a huge shot that sends Smith to the canvas. Glover continues to land big shots from the top as Smith looks to escape. Big shots continue as Smith cannot get up. Teixeira in full mount landing strikes but is able to roll out. Smith is unable to get up as Glover continues to land big shots from the top. Smith looks to hand fight as Glover keeps applying pressure on the ground. Glover looks to get Smith’s back while continuing to land big shots. Smith looks for an escape as Glover keeps landing big. Smith continues to survive as Glover adds to the pressure. Big hammer fists from the top. Glover continues landing as the third round comes to an end.
10-8 Teixeira
Round 4:
The championship rounds are here and Glover lands a huge uppercut that backs him up. Glover lands a right hand but Smith answers with an elbow. Glover lands a big knee but Smith lands a big left hook.
Glover lands another huge left that sends Smith to the canvas.
Glover continues to land from the top as he tries to get Smith’s back. Glover lands from the top again and again but lets Smith back up. Glover lands another clean jab but Smith counters with a right. Glove lands another big right and begins teeing off again against the fence. Teixeira takes Smith down with ease and continues to land strikes from the top. Big elbows come down on Smith from the top. Smith eats a couple more big shots from the top. Glover continues to pressure and keep Smith down. Under thirty and Glover continues to land. Smith is able to survive till the bell.
10-8 Teixeira
Round 5:
The fifth and final round is underway and Glover lands a jab instantly. Smith continues to back up as Glover takes Smith down again. Glover continues to land shots from the top as he enters full mount.
Glover finishes the fight.
Glover continues to land shot after shot until the ref stops the fight.
Official Result: Glover Teixeira defeats Anthony Smith via TKO (Round 5,)
Check the highlights below:
OH! 😱
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
🇧🇷 @GloverTeixeira with a RELENTLESS RD3. #UFCJAX
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
"My teeth are falling out." 🦷 #UFCJAX
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
"My teeth are falling out."@lionheartasmith is next-level tough 😳 #UFCJax
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) May 14, 2020
"Did I get the Performance of the Night?" 💰 #UFCJAX
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
Time is an illusion ⏰
At 4️⃣0️⃣, @GloverTeixeira gets the main event win! #UFCJAX
— UFC (@ufc) May 14, 2020
"You motivate me, man. You, Yoel Romero, those guys, that keep fighting the top [opponents]."@gloverteixeira is inspired by fellow 40 year olds @dc_mma and @YoelRomeroMMA #UFCJax
— ESPN MMA (@espnmma) May 14, 2020