Even though this amazing Brock Lesnar versus Stone Cold Steve Austin trailer is complete fabrication and propaganda for a wrestling match that will never happen it is still the best thing ever. Brock Lesnar versus Roman Reigns in March at WrestleMania 31 may make or break an entire event but that title match needs to get put on the backburner. WrestleMania 32 in 2016 is in Austin’s home state of Texas and would be the Texas Rattlesnake’s perfect opportunity for an official retirement match.
Watch 30 seconds of the WWE’s Lesnar vs. Austin fantasy match-up video and you will toss aside any and all ideas of Austin getting a storybook ending to his wrestling career. You want to see Lesnar F-5 and German suplex Austin for days. You want to see Austin get on the mic and verbally trash the former UFC heavyweight champion, after Stone Cold somehow piloted a helicopter to the ring.
Oh Hell Yeah versus whatever primal screams come out of the foaming mouth of Lesnar. WWE now officially owes fans this dream scenario.