If you ever have to go the emergency room in a place called Paulding County, Georgia…don’t. Just keep driving until you get to Cobb or Fulton county, trust me you will LIVE. If you’re forced to stop at Paulding Hospital, I hope you have your last will and testimony made out. I spent six hours laying on the floor, crying and screaming in pain inside that place. I promise I wasn’t being dramatic. Get kidney stones and then you tell me how it feels. Damarques Johnson visited the ER after having his orbital bones around his eye smashed and he didn’t cry on the floor. While he waited to have his socket reattached to his body, he hung out with fans and literally gives them the shirt off his back.
D-Zilla met a kid named Lem who had three tickets to UFC Live: Jones vs. Matyushenko. Damarques discovered that Lem and his crew didn’t get a chance to attend the fights so he hung out with him, snapped some pictures, signed his tickets and gave him the walkout shirt he wore that night.
Now you see why I’m building a shrine in my living room to Damarques Johnson. Check out our dude DZilla rocking his new cyclops look just two days after his fight. Makes me want to let him use my thigh high socks as earrings…