A light heavyweight contest between Ion Cutelaba and Devin Clark is taking place now (Saturday, September 18, 2021) at UFC Vegas 37.
Round 1
Cutelaba opens with a push kick before Clark takes him down pretty quickly. Cutelaba is up to his feet but is clinched up against the fence. Cutelaba lands a few knees including one to the head of Clark. Clark lands an elbow and separates. Clark connects with a leg kick. Cutelaba with a push kick to the body. Clark misses a hook kick to the head. Clark catches Cutelaba and follows it with a kick tot he head. Cutelaba lands a nice knee to the belly. Clark responds with a leg kick. Cutelaba drops Clark with a big right and starts pouring on the ground and pound! Clark somehow survives but Cutelaba has his back and starts to land some heavy shots. Clark gets to his feet but is taken down soon after. Cutelaba lands some big shots as it looks like it’s going to be over. Clark gets up but is tripped by Cutelaba who goes to full mount. He lands some big shots and elbows but Clark survives the round.
10-8 for Cutelaba.
Round 2
Cutelaba misses a big overhand right. Clark connects with a body shot and follows it up with a leg kick. Cutelaba blocks a big head kick. Cutelaba just about misses with another right. Clark with a big body kick. Cutelaba takes him down soon after and is in full mount with just over three and a half minutes remaining. Cutelaba lands some huge elbows but Clark is doing just about enough to still be in the fight. Clark somehow escapes and lands a shot as they get to their feet. Clark misses a spinning wheel kick. Cutelaba shoots for another takedown but Clark is doing well to defend. Cutelaba partially lands a knee to Clark’s head. Cutelaba gets him down but Clark is back to his feet soon after. Clark survives.
Another round for Cutelaba.
Round 3
Clark is desperate for a takedown but Cutelaba defends. Cutelaba then shoots and manages to trip Clark. Clark gets to his feet but remains clinched up against the fence. Clark tries to take Cutelaba down but to no avail. Soon enough, Cutelaba takes him down as he looks to finish the fight. He passes to full mount once again. Cutelaba lands a few big shots but Clark gets to his feet and starts to go all out. Cutelaba attempts a takedown but finds himself on his back with Clark having a minute to work and get a finish. Cutelaba gets to his feet and ends the fight by taking Clark down.
I have it 30-26 to Cutelaba.
Official result: Ion Cutelaba defeats Devin Clark via unanimous decision (30-26, 29-26, 29-27).