Superstars come and go but legends live forever. On May 19, 1946 in Grenoble, France Andre the Giant AKA André René Roussimoff was born and according to mathematical estimates the 7 foot 5 tall wrestler would have been 70 today. Happy Birthday Andre the Giant!
And with the benefit of hindsight every pro wrestling fan in the 1980s should’ve been rooting for you at WrestleMania 3 instead of that racist (allegedly) asshole Hulk Hogan.
Our bad.
To celebrate Andre’s birthday rather than attempting to down 100 beers in one sitting or turning over a Volkswagen with our plain old human strength, let’s watch Andre the Giant doing things only a man-giant could do. Let’s also watch Andre roam the streets of Paris, train to be a wrestler as a teen, kick the shit out of Rowdy Roddy Piper and appear in a simply AMAZING Honeycombs cereal commercial from the 80s.
Me want to hang out with Dre
This film is big and profound
Young Andre is still Giant Andre
Can’t teach Giant strength
“This is awesome” *clap clap clap clap*
Rest in peace