After defeating Anthony Joshua the first time around, Oleksandr Usyk returned to the boxing ring in a rematch billed as Rage on the Red Sea.
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Anthony Joshua 2
Round 1: Usyk keeps distance with an active jab. Usyk goes for a straight left. Right hand to the body early for Joshua. Usyk is on the outside circling Joshua. Good jab from Usyk. Great footwork from Usyk to land a left. Joshua fires a cross back. Nice jab from Usyk snapped Joshua’s head back. Good left hand from Usyk snaps Joshua’s head back again.
Round 2: AJ lands a right hand to the body. Left hook to the body from Joshua. Nice jab from Usyk. Good uppercut to the body from Joshua. Nice jab from Usyk to pop Joshua’s head back. Good counter right to the body by Joshua.
Round 3: Usyk showing great lateral movement. Joshua lands a combination. Nice left hook by AJ. Usyk keeps moving around landing on AJ’s guard. Joshua with a good jab. Joshua with an uppercut to the body. Good jab from AJ to fire back after Usyk connects one. Nice left connects for Usyk. Body shot by Usyk. Nice jab by Joshua. Good rcross from Joshua gets blocked. Usyk steps in with a double jab combination.
Round 4: Usyk keeping his volume high. Joshua counters with a jab. Good shot from Joshua. Usyk scores a straight left. Good right overhand from Joshua. Joshua connects with a jab. Both men going down to the body. Usyk lands a backhand left. Uppercut from Joshua. Good jab from AJ. Joshua hits a body shot. Great left hand from Usyk to close the round.
Round 5: Usyk connects a great jab to pop Joshua’s head. AJ fires back a strong right hook to the guard. Nice left lands for Usyk while moving to the side. Both men holding the center of the ring. Usyk goes for the body. Joshua fires back to the body, Usyk complains it was a low. Looked like a borderline. Usyk tries one to the body. Joshua with a straight right to the body. A jab from Usyk keeps Joshua away. Joshua jabs and enters with a cross. Good shot from Usyk bounces off Joshua’s head. Joshua lands the right hand to his chest as he goes in and out.
Round 6: Usyk eats a jab. Nice short left hook from Joshua lands. Usyk gets one to the body. Wide uppercut to the body from Joshua. Great straight left hand from Usyk. Joshua with a right hand followed up by two shots to the body. Usyk fires a left right back. Good shot from Usyk to the head. Nice right from AJ. Good defense from Joshua to defend a flurry of punches from Usyk.
Round 7: Usyk lands a nice jab. Nice jab from Usyk. Joshua with some short uppercuts. Joshua with another body shot. Nice right from Joshua lands. Good shot from Usyk. Right hand from Joshua. Nice left from Usyk. Quick left from Usyk followed up by another. Usyk connects a good left hand after slipping inside. Joshua lands a counter right down the middle.
Round 8: Both men slipping inside the cage. The referee called for someone to clean the ring before resuming. They get back to work. Nice slip from Usyk. Joshua lands a nice body shot. Another body shot by Joshua. Usyk gets a jab in. Close miss by Joshua. Usyk lands one to the body. Nice three punch combination (right uppercut) to the body by Joshua. Usyk connects a one-two. More body shots from AJ to close the round.
Round 9: Joshua lands a nice jab. Joshua with some light body shots. Nice left uppercut from Joshua. Another great uppercut to the body from AJ. Usyk gets a jab. Usyk eats a jab. Nice left hook from AJ. connects. Joshua with an uppercut combination the body and head. Very rough hammer fist from AJ. AJ lighting Usyk up here with a flurry of punches. Usyk is on the run back. Nice left hook and right uppercut by AJ. More combinations follow from AJ. Usyk lands a jab. Usyk with a body shot.
Round 10: Joshua eats a quick jab. Usyk fires another one. Joshua with an uppercut to the body. Usyk landing some good shots here. A check hook by Usyk. Big left hand connects for Usyk. Usyk is on fire here. A big reply for Joshua’s dominance in the last round. Joshua still moving forward. A left hand from AJ followed by a big cross right to the face to rock Usyk. Nice uppercut from Usyk and a right hand. Joshua stands back against the ropes. Usyk lands multiple punches. Joshua fires a right hook back.
Round 11: Joshua with an uppercut to the body. Cracking right hook by Usyk connects. Good body shot from Joshua lands. Nice jab from Usyk. Popping up jab from Usyk lands. Nice straight one-two combinations from Usyk. Good left hook from Usyk. Nice body shot from Joshua. Usyk connects with another combination and an uppercut.
Round 12: Oleksandr Usyk lands a jab. Usyk enters in with a combination. Nice right hand from AJ rocks back Usyk’s head. Good three-punch combo with a big right hook to end it fromUsyk. Big left hook from Joshua. Straight right from AJ. Usyk goes back to the body and runs a combination upstairs. They trade shots in the center of the ring. Nice left hook by Usyk. Big right hand from Joshua. Big left hand from Usyk.
Official Result: Oleksandr Usyk defeats Anthony Joshua via majority decision (115-113, 115-113, 116-112).
Check out the highlights below:
2⃣ rounds down, who's made the better start?#UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
Work that body 💥#UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
The champ is beginning to find his rhythm 🔥#UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
Let us know your scores ⤵️#UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
The champ putting all his skills on display 🔥 @usykaa #UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
AJ WORKING THE BODY #UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
HUGE ONSLAUGHT #UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022
That winning moment ❤️️ @usykaa #UsykJoshua2 #RageOnTheRedSea
— DAZN Boxing (@DAZNBoxing) August 20, 2022