Gervonta Davis (27-0-0) returned to the squared circle on Saturday night to defend his secondary WBA lightweight title against WBA super featherweight champion Hector Luis Garcia (16-0-0). Emanating from the Capital One Arena in Washington D.C., both fighters stepped into the bout undefeated, but only one left with their ‘O’ intact.
Round 1
Both fighters came out hesitant in the opening seconds. Garcia jabs the body followed by a double jab. Garcia throws a 1-2 combination followed by a jab, all blocked by Davis who returns fire, going to the body of Garcia. Jab by Garcia. Davis returns fire and eats a body shot. Fans are already voicing their displeasure with the slow pace. Davis landed 3 of 14 strikes in the first round while Davis landed 1 of 15.
Round 2
Round two picks up right where the first left off with Davis refusing to throw and standing perfectly still at times. Garcia continues to work the jab. Davis begins to open up a bit, throwing a few straight punches that stop short of connecting. Garcia connects with a glancing right hook. Garcia rips to the body, but it may have been just below the belt line generating a warning from the referee. Garcia with a 1-2. Davis goes to the body and ends the round with a solid left.
Round 3
Both fighters stay at range with Garcia working his jab and alternating it with shots to the body. Nice counter left from Garcia. Then another. 1-2 from Garcia. Left from Garcia as Davis tries to work his way inside. The left hand is landing for Garcia at will in the early going. Davis is keeping his guard high, clearly feeling the effects of Garcia’s left and the third round ends.
Round 4
Davis comes out throwing a straight right, but can’t cover the distance between himself and Garcia. Sharp jab from Davis lands as Garcia continues to utilize his jab to create space. Davis begins to apply pressure in the fourth, feinting and throwing power strikes. Davis throws a double jab followed by a stiff right. Garcia fires back with a straight left. Davis eats it and delivers a right hook that lands flush, knocking Garcia back and leading to the end of the fourth.
Round 5
Double jab from Garcia to begin round five. Davis looks much lighter on his feet as the two fighters exchange jabs. Davis is reaching with his left hand which is leaving him open to a counter. Davis throws a left that Garcia ducks under and lands a hard body shot. Short left by Davis lands. 1-2 by Davis. Garcia attempts to respond, but Davis delivers a three-punch combo that discourages Garcia from moving forward as the fifth round comes to a close.
Round 6
At the start of the sixth round, Garcia has landed 29 power punches versus 26 for Davis. Garcia comes out immediately looking to land a jab. Garcia continues working the body. Right to the body from Garcia as Davis begins marching forward. Garcia does a good job of moving out of the way of danger and utilizing his jab to deter Davis from moving in. Davis leads with a straight left and eats a 1-2 to the body from Garcia. Left uppercut to the body by Davis. Garcia returns fire. 1-2 from Davis as the bell sounds.
Round 7
Garcia opens the seventh as the more active fighter, continuing to damage the body of Davis. Both men begin sitting down on their punches and throwing power. David throws a left to the body but is opening himself up for a big counter every time he does it. Nice left from Davis followed by a right. Garcia with a jab. Garcia goes to the body with the left. Davis returns fire to the body as the round comes to a close.
Round 8
Davis comes out putting on pressure immediately. Garcia uses the jab to stop his movement and lands a nice uppercut. Garcia follows up with a combination as the action begins to pick up. With just under a minute gone in the round, the referee calls for a timeout as there appears to be a brawl in the crowd. The fight resumes with Garcia going upstairs and then ripping to the body. Davis throws uppercuts to the body and then tags Garcia with a left. Davis lands with power and rocks Garcia with a vicious left hook. Garcia is able to stay on his feet and weather the storm until the eighth round bell sounds.
In his corner, Garcia is telling his corner that he cannot see. As a result, Garcia retired on his stool at the end of the eighth round, though the official result says that the retirement came 13 seconds into round nine.
Official Result: Gervonta ‘Tank’ Davis defeats Hector Luis Garcia via TKO (retirement) at 0:13 or Round 9
Check Out Highlights From Gervonta Davis vs. Hector Luis Garcia on Saturday Night
Gervonta Davis Fight Stopped Because Of Altercation Involving Wallo ! 👀 #Wallo #GervontaGarcia
— TheInfamousMell TV (Formerly BlackTMZ) (@BlackTMZ1) January 8, 2023
Gervonta Davis ends Hector Garcia with some brutal shots after round 8 #GarciaDavis (via @ShowtimeBoxing)
— BroBible (@BroBible) January 8, 2023
.@gervontaa pushing the pace now, forcing Garcia to fight his style of fight.
Order #DavisGarcia now! 📺:
— Premier Boxing Champions (@premierboxing) January 8, 2023
THE ONE!!! @gervontaa stops Hector Garcia! #DavisGarcia
— Premier Boxing Champions (@premierboxing) January 8, 2023
IT'S OVER 😳@Gervontaa scores the TKO win over Garcia to remain unbeaten.#DavisGarcia
— All the Smoke Boxing (@atsboxing) January 8, 2023