Former champion Glover Teixeira took on Jamahal Hill for the vacant light heavyweight title in the headlining bout of UFC 283.
UFC 283: Glover Teixeira vs. Jamahal Hill
Round 1
Glover goes for the single leg and Hill defends well. Teixeira tries to get the undercooks but eats a knee from Hill. Hill keeping his range with the lead hand. Glover grapples again and gets pushed back. Hill with a jab. Low kick from Hill. Glover gets a left hand in. Glover goes for the single leg and doesn’t get it. Body kick from Hill. Hill with a counter right. Straight right by Hill. Hill lands a 3-punch combo. Hill is doing well against the grappling pressure of Teixeira. Glover goes for a combination and hits Hill’s guard. Accidental eye poke causes momentary pause in action.
Teixeira goes for the single leg and doesn’t get it. Calf kick from Glover. Hill gets an uppercut and straight right in. Hill with a nice short right hook. Left hand for Glover.
Round 2
Hill with a jab. Hill is on the back foot looking to counter. Nice calf kick from Hill. Hill with a knee and an accidental eye poke calls time out.
Teixeira with an outside leg kick. Hill with a heavy head kick that rocks Glover. Hill is teeing off Glover against the cage. Big uppercut from Hill. Teixeira returns fire. Hill with a knee up the middle. Teixeira lands a leg and right. Big shot from Teixeira. Another head kick from Hill and another one. One to the body. Hill gets through two right hands. Teixeira shoots for a takedown and gets it. He takes top position and has Hill off the fence. He gets Hill’s back and Hill spins through it to survive. Teixeira on the top in half guard. He’s looking for an arm triangle. Hill survives and gets to the underhook. He gets back up against the fence. Back to the feet. Hill with a superman punch. Straight right from Hill. Teixeira with a left hook. Hill with a jab to close thee round.
Round 3
Hill switches back to orthodox stance after coming out southpaw. Teixeira grapples and Hill escapes, gets him back against the cage. Nice jabs from Hill getting through. Teixeira lands a jab. Nice left hand from Glover. Another jab from Hill. Head kick from Hill wobbles Teixeira. Teixeira goes down. Hill with some hammer fists against a grounded Glover. Hill is unloading with some heavy shots with Glover on the ground. Glover is eating some big shots. And an elbow from Hill. Teixeira is on the ground and Hill lets him back up. Teixeira misses the takedown. Big right hand from Hill. Teixeira lands a jab. Hill lands two huge countershots. Glover lands a couple jabs. Hill circles out to the center of the cage. Good 1-2 from Hill with a knee to close the round.
Round 4
Hill with a jab. Teixeira keeps marching forward. Hill gets another leg kick in. Knee from Hill. Teixeira grapples and gets Hill against the cage. Hill reverses and escapes. Quick right from Teixeira. Huge right hand from Hill. Hill with a flurry of punches. Hill making great use of his jabs. Glover with a massive right hand. Hill is setting up the head kicks. Teixeira with an uppercut to the body. Left hand for Teixeira. Hill with a big right hand and more jabs. He gets Glover off the cage and keeps going. Teixeira counters back with a right hook and jab. Hill with jabs and uppercut. Knee from Hill. Hill unleashes a barrage of strikes on Teixeira against the cage. It appears that Teixeira can’t see due to the blood in his eyes from the cuts above his eyes. Huge left from Hill and an uppercut to close the round.
Round 5
Hill opens with a jab. Teixeira goes for the single leg and manages to take Hill to the ground. He’s half guard and is trying to take side control. Glover gets side position. Teixeira keeps him there as Hill tries to get up. Teixeira moves back on top in half guard and lays down the ground and pound. Teixeira passes Hill’s half guard and has him mounted. Hill sneaks out the back and reverses with a takedown of his own. Hill is in Glover’s half guard now. Hill landing strikes from the top position. Hill takes side control. They get back to their feet. Hill keeping his distance in the final minute.
Official Result: Jamahal Hill defeats Glover Teixeira by unanimous decision (50-44 x3).