All is fair in love, war, and Street MMA. It’s rare that a Street Fight can cause MiddleEasy to audibly gasp aloud.
Right here is that fight that will make your jaw drop. You won’t know your jaw is that wide open aas profanities just flow out your mouth. There is a single moment in the Street Fight below where this exact scenario will happen.
Just wait for it.
Know what’s even more rare than jump scaring the Big Red Monster? Respecting a grown man who stills dresses up as Negan for Halloween.
Yet, here we are.
A dude wearing a Negan costume during Halloween 2019 is now on Team MiddleEasy. What a time to be alive.
The best part of this Lesson in Street MMA may be the not so tragic backstory. Big dude, let’s say roughly 6’3 240, grabs the ass of our hero’s girlfriend. The video picks up right after he does the deed and the worst part is this asshole isn’t sorry; like at all.
Mini Negan, operating comfortably somewhere in the fly to featherweight divisions, is in a tough spot. On one hand that lame high school basketball washout touched your girlfriend’s butt. On the other hand, not only is he much bigger than you, but what if he can actually fight?
Because he is The Walking Dead hero we need, Negan tries to talk to the big dude and eats a baseball bat for his troubles. Um what? Tall man took Negan’s own Halloween prop from him and then proceeded to beat him with it.
The world has seen this Street Fight before and it does not end well for the little guy.
What’s that?
Tiny Negan is not backing down?
He’s removed his faux leather jacket?
Do you believe in Halloween Street MMA miracles? That’s the set-up, now watch the video below for yourself.
A Salinda Del Sol into a choke? For real?
Did you gasp? Grab your pearls? Let out a very loud and powerful holy f**k?