Happy Friday. Before all head into to the weekend, let’s take a moment to remember any and all headbutts will be thrown during acts of Street MMA over the next three days. Respect to all of that skull to nose contact and try to record it if you can; we’d appreciate it.
Street MMA headbutts may be the best way to both open and close your next encounter in the fast food pickup line. If you can work in a headbutt right in the middle of your Street punching combos, more power to you. For those getting into an altercation be aware of the opponent who wants to goes nose to nose because he may strike first.
And he’ll probably break your nose with his skull in the process.
Good times.
Form what looks like a really nice McDonald’s or a really sub-par sushi joint, we have a very brief but very violent encounter. Step one, order your food. Step two, wait for your number to be called so you can pick up your food. Step three, find someone in line to argue with about if the McRib should be year-round item on the menu. Step four, respectfully disagree with his very wrong opinion.
Step five, headbutt him off his feet out of nowhere.
— FIGHT ROW (@FightRow) August 10, 2018
Wait until this guy hears other people’s takes on the Shamrock shake.
One headbutt. One debate settled. One sweet Street MMA victory added to the MiddleEasy Street Fighter database. Respect dude, you’ve earned yourself your very own 20-piece McNuggets free of judgement or of sharing.