We’re pretty sure on any given day in Reno, Nevada some seventy-year-old man is arguing with an attendant as to whether the Wheel of Fortune slot machine is ripping him off. When you get that old, life grants you a pass to slap anyone in the face without any repercussions. No one wants to reprimand an old guy and more importantly, no one wants to feel the wrath of old guy strength. You’ve felt it before, some old dude shakes your hand and nearly ruptures every vessel in your palm. It’s nature’s way of saying thanks for lasting this long.
On the beach of Ponce Inlet, Florida, some young whippersnapper was harassing a few girls and this older gentlemen intervened diplomatically, and later resorted to cleanly knocking out the dude with one punch. It’s another installment in our on-going series of ‘A Lesson in Street MMA,’ and props to Gonzo for the +100 news tip.