So you want to be a [expletive] bully? You just have to know that somewhere in Stockton, California, Nick Diaz is looking at this Craigslist ad with vested interest. Dude just bullied the entire CBS network, taking out a dude on MTV is nothing to him. The greatest thing about living in Los Angeles is that someone out there is always willing to pay you to humiliate yourself with a camera documenting every one of your embarrassing actions. If any of you want to make an easy $4000, get free MMA lessons and wants to get portrayed as an absolute idiot on national television, this Craigslist ad is for you.
Looking for muscular, decent-looking males ages 18-26 to be one of MTV’s next ass-kicking bullies on the show “BULLY BEATDOWN”. Winners will receive FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS and EVERY FRIEND THEY BRING WILL RECEIVE $750 (we’re looking for bullies who have 3 male friends who would want to be the “victims”) and the opportunity to fight with a successful MMA fighter and receive the money JUST FOR TRYING. (Don’t worry, he’ll be easy on you. I promise:) . PLUS, you will receive FREE COACHING JUST FOR AUDITIONING. This is a NO-LOSE situation people!!! Please send a hs/r if you have one, as well as a few pictures of what you look like normally. Also please include one small paragraph and briefly state: What your hobbies are, One time when you threatened someone in someway, as well as what you do for fun. Please do not forget to include your contact information as well. If picked, there will be 2 shooting days in LA and 2 on location, ALL EXPENSES PAID.LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!
Muscular, decent-looking males? I guess that takes my old roommate off the list (Sorry OB). So it looks like the ‘victims’ on this show are really just friends of the bully? Damn, ruins the entire illusion of a scripted reality show. [Source]