We Superchatted with Jens Pulver about Hendo/Shogun II and it was Rawesome

Gary LaPlante had a rough evening tonight. Shogun Rua put it to Dan Henderson for two rounds, and it was glorious. I was on Skype with Gary while the fight went down and the excitement in his voice as Shogun landed brutal uppercuts and huge right hands had me feeling like I was almost as excited as Gary. Almost. Then it happened. Dan Henderson threw his trademark H-bomb and it was all over. Things got pretty dark after that. I can’t go into specifics, but some of the things Gary said would have made a prime Mike Tyson blush.

I didn’t think things could pick back up from there but we got Jens Pulver on The Superchat to talk about the fights. Not only did Jens drop some great fight game knowledge on us, but we also got to hear about some old street fights and we found out what kind of sexy Jens is. Yes, you read that right. I asked Jens a bunch of questions from a Cosmopolitan sex quiz and it was just as awkward and hilarious as you’d image.
Give it a listen and if you dig it subscribe to The Superchat on iTunes HERE!
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Published on March 24, 2014 at 6:53 am
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