My God this Trevor Smith fan. I hope he stretched properly and warmed up his vocal chords before attending Strikeforce Challengers last night, otherwise this dude is going to be real sore this morning. Real sore. He’s probably more beat up than Trevor Smith or his opponent TJ Cook (who Trevor successfully guillotine’d in the first round to improve his record to 9-1).
LayzieTheSavage and Jessica Dawn were in attendance at Strikeforce Challengers last night and they bore witness to one of the most floppy wristed and incredible displays of fandom we have ever seen in the MiddleEasy offices. Luckily Layzie had his flip cam with him and captured it all for us to relive over and over again. There’s even a belly slap somewhere around the three minute mark.
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Layzie told me after Trevor won the guy got up from his seat and nonchalantly levitated out of the Casino, only to fly away into the cool desert night. Never to be seen again.