How could I talk about Vitor Belfort without mentioning Affliction II: Day of Reckoning when the dude nearly comatosed Matt Lindland live on PPV. Everyone in that arena (including all the heads that dropped $59.95 on what was the best card of 2009) just thought we witnessed our first unintentional execution. This wasn’t what we bargained for. It was like the future was dipped into that weird jar of semi-post apocalyptic The Running Man. I was expecting Arnold Govenator to run in the cage rocking one of those yellow spandex jumpsuits (which we’re still waiting to see). Damn. When the guy that knocked you out is praying over your unconscious body, you know your future isn’t looking that promising (not as promising as a future with hoverboards).
Now that Vitor Belfort is finally healthy from his shoulder injury that sidelined him in his UFC 112 bout with Ando, he wants to fight immediately and he’s not going to wait for Anderson Silva. LayzieTheSavage comes through with yet another victorious piece of video to add to his collection of steadily mounting masterpieces.