Everyone thinks that the glory of being a fighter is under the bright lights while inside the cage. A singular moment that can be described only by the initiated, but we regular people are more connected to MMA stars than we’ll ever know. At least at MiddleEasy
Here in the MiddleEasy offices, we get hungry, we get ornery when hungry, and we walk around in our underwear a lot. Sure, we aren’t depleting our bodies to extreme degrees, but everything is relative, right? Just because Gary hasn’t eaten in 3 hours, it doesn’t mean he can’t get in someone’s face and start posing down. As much as we want to say the McGregor/Brandao faceoff was crazy, we see this same situation played out between Gary and Nick whenever there’s an extra burrito left in the break room, so this is cool, but nothing special.
Nah, it’s pretty great. Check out what WHOATV chopped up for us:
Apparently, these two continued to talk crap backstage well after they were hydrated.
Here’s the rest of the weigh-ins!