Let’s face it, if you absolutely had to be a cannibal, you would rather eat the flesh of a woman over a guy. Even in the dire need of sustenance and survival, it’s still somewhat gay to consume the body of another man. Sure your best friend can prevent you from giving way to death by starvation, but if you were to go through with it and survive — you wouldn’t hear the end of it from your drinking buddies. Now place Alistair Overeem in this same scenario and starvation would be non-existent. The only thing one would have to do is find a spot on Overeem’s shoulder, hop on and fly through the clouds, NeverEnding Story style. That’s a hell of a picture to paint just to tell you guys that the new episode of The Reem 3.0 is here! Massive props to Eldar Gross on yet another masterpiece. Check it out!
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