Phil Baroni has evolved, that much is hard to ignore. People have long-griped about Phil Baroni, claiming that his gas tank is not what it should be for a MMA fighter of his level. What they are ignoring is that Phil Baroni is evolution, he’s beyond the mortal, corporeal realm. Phil Baroni’s gas tank simply cannot keep up with him. That’s the facts and we are sticking to it.
The latest evolution of Phil Baroni is that Baroni went to take care of some licensing stuff, but while being checked up he walked away with another step in the evolutionary ladder; he walked away with four eyes. Unbelievable? For some, maybe. For the New York Bad Ass? No, it makes perfect sense and we applaud him on his latest evolution. This Phil Baroni enjoys the finer things in life, he wears a smoking jacket, smokes a pipe in front of the fire, then starts throwing bombs and knocking suckers out.
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