Cage Warriors 122: Jordan Vucenic Picks Up The Split Decision Victory Over Morgan Charriere (Highlights)

France's Feathweight champion, Morgan Charriere takes on the relentless Jordan Vucenic.


In the penultimate fight of Cage Warriors latest trilogy of events, Morgan Charriere faces off against Jordan Vucenic. ‘The Last Pirate’ is riding high off a TKO stoppage over Perry Goodwin at CW 119. However, Vucenic has looked extremely impressive as of late, with a win over top prospect Paul Hughes, in his last outing.

Round 1

Vucenic starts off the action with a nice teap to the body. A lot of feints from Vucenic early on. Nice 1 2 from Charriere lands twice in quick succession. Vucenic lands with a switch right hook. Double leg shot from Vucenic is defended well by Charriere. Vucenic is rising his length well, throwing sharp jabs to the hand and body. Charriere clinches, pushing Vucenic against the cage. Vucenic attempts a throw, nicely evaded by Charriere.

Round 1: 10-9 Vucenic

Round 2

Charriere goes for a takedown right away. Vucenic puts his back against the cage to avoid being brought down. Charriere is driving Vucenic against the cage, seemingly looking for a single leg. Vucneic circles away from cage, and is able to force Charriere against the cage. Succesful takedown for Vucenic, but Charriere is back up quickly. Charriere lands two quick flurries, mixing it up between body and head. Charriere is beginning to get Vucenic’s timing down, as he lands two nice counters. Charriere lands a straight as Vucenic throws a kick, knocking ‘The Epidemic’ off his feet.

Round 2: 10-9 Charriere

Round 3

After a quick exchange, Charriere once again drives Vucenic against the cage. Charriere lands a groin shot as they disengage. Vucenic looks good fighting from range again. Charriere’s head movement is on point though, evading many of the strikes. Charierre shoots for a takedown, but takes a sharp hook on the way in. He drives Vucenic up agianst the cage once again. Charriere takes the back clinch, and lands a beautiful body lock takedown. Vucenic is able to scamble back to his feet as the round ends. Really close stuff.

Round 3: 10-9 Charriere

Round 4

Charriere lands a razor fast hook early on that forces a panic shot from Vucenic. Charriere defends, and lands his own double leg takedown. Charriere is able to get Vucenic’s back, but only had one hook in. Vucenic is able to scramble back to his feet, and shoots for his own takedown. Charriere defends by utilising a standing gulliotine. Both men break away. Vucenic steps in with a one two, but Charriere ducks under and lands another takedown. Vucenic uses the cage to get back to his feet. Charriere pins Vucneic against the clinch as the round ends.

Round 4: 10-9 Charriere

Round 5

Vucenic comes out swinging hard. Charriere looks quick still, throwing out a nice jab to disrupt Vucenic’s combinations. Both men seem to have decided to duke it out on the feet in this final round. Crisp straight punches from Vucneic, although the head movement of Charriere is exceptional. The pace slows, as Charriere begins cutting off the cage. Charriere lands that iconic body shot that seems to hurt his opponent. Vucneic lands a hard shot as the round comes to the end. Good fight, but hard to call.

Round 5: 10-9 Vucenic

Official Decision: Jordan Vucenic wins vis Split Decision (49-46 Charriere, 48-47 Vucenic, 48-47 Vucenic).

Check the highlights below:


Published on March 20, 2021 at 5:40 pm
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