My only hope in this new era of human civilization that we just embarked on in 2014 is that at one moment in your life a scenario will happen which will force you to retort with the words ‘You got MMA roasted, SON!‘ I know Jason Nawara and MiddleEasy contributor Nick Robertson have already crossed it off their bucket list, you should as well.
Comedian Adam Hunter (@MMARoasted) has rose to be a figure in the MMA world over the past two years with interesting quips at the sport, usually through the use of Twitter. In fact Adam has become such a figure in the MMA scene that he’s been employed by the UFC to write jokes for public events and he’s even been featured on FOX Sports in some comedic manner. While everyone has expressed a little uneasiness with Hunter’s tweets regarding female MMA fighters, Sydnie Jones over at has decided to systematically breakdown her own personal beef with @MMARoasted. Here’s an excerpt from her extensive article.
Adam Hunter wants you to know – he is a man who loves women. He loves to watch women he thinks are sexy fight. He loves to have sex with women, and perform cunnilingus on them, and put his penis into a sock and masturbate when Ronda and Miesha are fighting. It’s all over his Twitter. As he makes sure to remind us at every opportunity, women fall into three categories for him: 1) sexy, 2) unattractive, and 3) non-entities. This is evident in everything from his Tweets to his podcasts. In no arena are they treated as individuals with a world not centered around their potential as a sex object. And why should they be? Adam Hunter’s comedy is generally about himself, how everything relates to him, and what the world can give him. Not searing insight into much of anything, or scathing social commentary…but if you want one-liners about his penis, he’s your man.Okay, is he actually masturbating into a sock while he watches Ronda and Miesha fight? It’s hard to know for sure, but probably not. He’s probably being hyperbolic. But that’s not the point; the point is that when you’re Adam Hunter and you reduce women to – or even just conflate them with – how they satisfy your libido, you are inherently undermining their successes and gains in their struggle for acceptance into MMA. Additionally, it’s just not really funny; it’s unoriginal and uninspired. This is actually funny. Or this or this. It’s disappointing; Adam Hunter has the potential, but he can’t seem to stop himself from being sexist and transphobic
Sydnie continues to intellectually rip into Adam Hunter with a blitzkrieg of saved tweets and quotes over the years. Check out the entire thing at, tell us what you think about it — basically what we’re trying to say is we want you to make up our minds for us.