We already know Junior Dos Santos is more massive than most of us. Even if he isn’t more massive in height or girth than some of you, he is more massive in the way he will punch your face into the ground. Most of you reading this can not punch a face into the ground with the same amount of force as Junior Dos Santos. Let’s be real, most of us can’t even punch a face into the ground with the same amount of force as Arianny Celeste has when she kicks guys with super wet hold gelled hair styles in the nose. We also can’t stand next to a larger than life size statue of soccer legend Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima and perform a nearly perfect rendition of the pose and look as massive as JDS does doing it. That’s OK though, because nobody can wear a butt print mark into your grandma’s brown plaid couch cushion like you can. Celebrate your personal ability to be massive and observe and appreciate Junior Dos Santos’.
Junior Dos Santos looks like a massive human being when he stands next to statues of soccer legends
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