Today I should be in Anaheim watching Mousasi and Babalu just starting the third round (yep, that’s right) with an overpriced Coors Light in my hand. Instead, I’m watching Coming to America and on my second bottle of $3.99 Wal-Mart red wine (which is sort of a pretty rawesome alternative). We should all be witnessing one the greatest card ever assembled and…well, we get nothing. Josh Barnett getting busted with steroids marked the end of Affliction and the start of the Fedor-UFC chronicles that will probably last until the earth blows up from ‘Fedor is…’ news stories. Throughout all of this, it’s good to know that Josh Barnett “just finished up the comic book series ‘Preacher‘” which was his first tweet since this whole anabolic steroid circus blew up nearly two weeks ago. His first tweet (twat) on the exact day he was supposed to fight Fedor. Well Josh Barnett, we can’t believe it took you this long to finish it either. Good stuff.