Jon Jones says he’s craftier than Machida

There was a time not too long ago where we all thought Lyoto Machida was unbeatable, but those were the 2009’s and back then we thought anything was possible. Free love, Twilight, Avatar and UFC Undisputed was in our disc trays…Those were simpler times.

Wilder times.

Since then, Jon Jones has taken his meteoric rise to the top of the UFC food chain, a place Lyoto is used to being (sipping on a yellow beverage) and in a few short weeks Bones and The Dragon will be in the Octagon fighting for the UFC light heavyweight championship. It’s like this was all meant to be. Karyn Bryant of MMA Heat caught up with the champ on the red carpet of UFC on Fox where he breaks down his upcoming title fight, check it out.

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Published on November 14, 2011 at 6:51 pm
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